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来自街拍摄影师Eric Kim,http://erickimphotography_com/blog/一些建议,规则,或者经验吧。由于他是街拍摄影师,个人看来某些还是有些局限和偏激,不过大部分值得参考,翻译了一些自己非常认同的条目。

1. Just because someone has an expensive camera doesn't mean that they're a good photographer.
2. Always shoot in RAW. Always.总是用RAW格式
3. Prime lenses help you learn to be a better photographer.
4. Photo editing is an art in itself
5. The rule of thirds works 99% of the time.
6. Macro photography isn't for everybody.
7. UV filters work just as well as lens caps.
8. Go outside & shoot photos rather than spending hours a day on photography forums.走出去拍片子不要老泡在摄影论坛里
9. Capture the beauty in the mundane and you have a winning photograph.
10. Film isn't better than digital.
11. Digital isn't better than film.
12. There is no "magic" camera or lens.
13. Better lenses don't give you better photos.
14. Spend less time looking at other people's work and more time shooting your own.
15. Don't take your DSLR to parties.
16. Girls dig photographers.
17. Making your photos b/w doesn't automatically make them "artsy"
18. People will always discredit your work if you tell them you "photoshop" your images. Rather, tell them that you process them in the "digital darkroom".
19. You don't need to take a photo of everything.
20. Have at least 2 backups of all your images. Like they say in war, two is one, one is none.
21. Ditch the neck strap and get a handstrap.
22. Get closer when taking your photos, they often turn out better.
23. Be a part of a scene while taking a photo; not a voyeur.
24. Taking a photo crouched often make your photos look more interesting.
25. Worry less about technical aspects and focus more on compositional aspects of photography. 更多的关心构图而不是技术
26. Tape up any logos on your camera with black gaffers tape- it brings a lot less attention to you.
27. Always underexpose by 2/3rds of a stop when shooting in broad daylight.
28. The more photos you take, the better you get.
29. Don't be afraid to take several photos of the same scene at different exposures, angles, or apertures.
30. Only show your best photos.
31. A point-and-shoot is still a camera.
32. Join an online photography forum.
33. Critique the works of others.
34. Think before you shoot.
35. A good photo shouldn't require explanation (although background information often adds to an image). *
36. Alcohol and photography do not mix well.
37. Draw inspiration from other photographers but never worship them.
38. Grain is beautiful.
39. Ditch the photo backpack and get a messenger bag. It makes getting your lenses and camera a whole lot easier.
40. Simplicity is key.简单是关键
41. The definition of photography is: "painting with light." Use light in your favor.
42. Find your style of photography and stick with it.
43. Having a second monitor is the best thing ever for photo processing.
44. Silver EFEX pro is the best b/w converter. 这是个最好的黑白转换软件
45. Carry your camera with you everywhere. Everywhere. 在任何地方都带着你的相机
46. Never let photography get in the way of enjoying life.
47. Don't pamper your camera. Use and abuse it.
48. Take straight photos.
49. Shoot with confidence.
50. Photography and juxtaposition are best friends.
51. Print out your photos big. They will make you happy.
52. Give your photos to friends.
53. Give them to strangers.
54. Don't forget to frame them.
55. Costco prints are cheap and look great.
56. Go out and take photos with (a) friend(s).
57. Join a photo club or start one for yourself.
58. Photos make great presents.
59. Taking photos of strangers is thrilling.
60. Candid>Posed.
61. Natural light is the best light.
62. 35mm (on full frame) is the best "walk-around" focal length.
63. Don't be afraid to bump up your ISO when necessary.
64. You don't need to always bring a tripod with you everywhere you go (hell, I don't even own one).
65. It is always better to underexpose than overexpose.
66. Shooting photos of homeless people in an attempt to be "artsy" is exploitation.
67. You will find the best photo opportunities in the least likely situations. 往往在最不可能的情况下却是拍出好照片的最佳时机。我的理解是随时带着相机,很多自己认为不会出片的情况,往往是容易出好片子的好机会。
68. Photos are always more interesting with the human element included.好照片里往往包含有人的元素
69. You can't "photoshop" bad images into good ones.
70. Nowadays everybody is a photographer.
71. You don't need to fly to Paris to get good photos; the best photo opportunities are in your backyard.
72. People with DSLRS who shoot portraits with their grip pointed downwards look like morons.
73. Cameras as tools, not toys.
74. In terms of composition, photography and painting aren't much different.
75. Photography isn't a hobby- it's a lifestyle. 摄影不是一个爱好,而是一种生活方式。
76. Make photos, not excuses.
77. Be original in your photography. Don't try to copy the style of others. 要有自己的原创,不要抄袭别人的风格。
78. The best photographs tell stories that begs the viewer for more.
79. Any cameras but black ones draw too much attention.
80. The more gear you carry around with you the less you will enjoy photography.携带越多的器材,得到越少的摄影乐趣
81. Good self-portraits are harder to take than they seem.
82. Laughter always draws out peoples' true character in a photograph.
83. Don't look suspicious when taking photos- blend in with the environment.
84. Landscape photography can become dull after a while.
85. Have fun while taking photos.
86. Never delete any of your photos.
87. Be respectful when taking photos of people or places.
88. When taking candid photos of people in the street, it is easier to use a wide-angle than a telephoto lens.
89. Travel and photography are the perfect pair.
90. Learn how to read a histogram.
91. A noisy photo is better than a blurry one.噪点多的片子要好于模糊的片子
92. Don't be afraid to take photos in the rain.不要害怕在雨中拍摄
93. Learn how to enjoy the moment, rather than relentlessly trying to capture the perfect picture of it.
94. Never take photos on an empty stomach.
95. You will discover a lot about yourself through your photography.
96. Never hoard your photographic insight- share it with the world.
97. Never stop taking photos 不要停止拍摄
98. Photography is more than simply taking photos, it is a philosophy of life 摄影不仅仅只是拍照,它是一种人生观
99. Capture the decisive moment
100. Write your own list.
本帖最后由 lwl525 于 2012-5-14 00:43 编辑

相关标签: Photo s camera Make Digital
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