泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
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注册: 2002年4月
以下文章翻译自※※※T的教材 -- AUTO DIAGONSIS, SERVICE, AND REPAIR.(版权归原作者所有,请勿转载)






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泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
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注册: 2002年4月

Problem: Blower does not operate correctly 鼓风机操作不良
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Blown fuse. 保险丝溶断。

2. Defective motor. 电机故障。

3. Faulty blower resistor. 鼓风机电阻故障。

4. Defective switch. 开关故障。

5. Loose connections. 连接处松动。

6. Faulty wiring. 电线故障。

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace fuse. Fix short if needed. 更换保险丝。有必要修复短路。

2. Replace motor. 更换电机。

3. Replace resistor. 更换电阻。

4. Replace switch. 更换开关。

5. Clean and tighten. 清洁并上紧。

6. Repair wiring. 修理线路。

Problem: Inadequate heating 热风不足
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Faulty blower motor. 鼓风机电机故障。

2. Heat valve control inoperative. 热风阀门控制操作不良。

3. Defective heat control valve. 热风控制阀门故障

4. Clogged air inlet. 空气入口堵塞。

5. Bent, kinked inlet ducting. 入口管道弯曲,扭结。

6. Debris on heater core. 暖风装置芯子上有杂物。

7. Control doors inoperative. 控制门操作不良。

8. Faulty controls. 控制故障。

9. Faulty heater operation. 暖风机操作不良。

10.Faulty engine thermostat. 引擎恒温器故障。

11.Plugged or kinked heater hoses. 暖风装置管道堵塞或扭结。

12.Low engine coolant level. 引擎冷却液液面过低。

13.Clogged heater core. 暖风机芯堵塞。

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace blower motor. 更换鼓风机电机。

2. Free control and make certain valve control functions. 自由控制并确认阀门控制的功能。

3. Replace heat control valve. 更换热风控制阀门。

4. Clean air inlet, replace screen if missing. 清洁空气入口,如果丢失重新安装滤网。

5. Straighten or replace. 弄直或更换。

6. Clean heater core. 清洁暖风装置芯子。

7. Free and make certain they operate properly. 打开并确认它们操作适当。

8. Adjust or replace as needed. 调节或根据需要更换。

9. Advise owner as to proper operation. 提醒车主要正确操作。

10.Replace thermostat. 更换恒温器。

11.Straighten or replace hoses. 弄直或更换管道。

12.Add coolant and check for leaks. 增加冷却液并检查渗漏处。

13.Reverse flush or replace heater core. 逆向冲洗或更换暖风机芯。

Problem: Inadequate defrost 除霜不充分
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Defective blower switch. 鼓风机开关故障。

2. Defective or inoperative blower motor. 鼓风机电机故障或操作不良。

3. Defroster ducts are disconnected. 除霜机管道断开。

4. Improper control door operation. 控制门操作不良。

5. Clogged defroster outlets. 除霜机出口堵塞。

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace switch. 更换开关。

2. Repair or replace. 修理或管换。

3. Connect ducts. 重新连接管道。

4. Free, adjust, and check control door. 打开,调节并检查控制门。

5. Clean outlets. 清理出口。

Problem: Defrost causes windshield fogging 除霜造成挡风玻璃产生雾汽
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Leaking heater core. 暖风装置芯子渗漏。

2. Loose hose to core fitting. 连接到芯子的软管松脱。

3. Water (from rain or washing) entering system. 水份(雨水或洗车)进入到系统内。

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace heater core. 更换暖风装置芯子。

2. Tighten fitting. 上紧装置。

3. Check seals for leaks. 检查渗漏处的密封情况。

Problem: Excessive heat 热度过高
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Faulty operation of controls. 控制器的错误操作。

2. Controls loose or stuck. 控制器松动或卡住。

Correction 解决方法
1. Advise driver in correct use. 提醒车主正确使用。

2. Connect and check for proper operation. 连接并检查适当的操作。
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月

Problem: Wheel tramp车轮颠簸上下跳动
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Brake drum, rotor, wheel, or the tire out of static balance. 刹车鼓, 刹车盘,车轮或车胎失去静态平衡。

2. Wheel or tire out-of-round (excessive radial runout). 车轮或车胎失圆(径向跳动过度)。

3. Defective shock absorbers. 减振器故障。

4. Bulge on tire. 车胎上有突起部分。

5. Defective front stabilizer. 前横向稳定杆故障。

6. Loose or worn wheel bearings. 车轮轴承松脱或磨损。

7. Defective MacPherson strut. 麦弗逊式滑杆故障。

Correction 解决方法
1. Balance assembly statically and dynamically. 用静态和动态平衡方法平衡装置

2. Change tire position on wheel or discard tire or wheel as needed. 更换轮胎位置或根据需要更换车轮或车胎。

3. Replace shocks. 更换减振器。

4. Replace tire. 更换车胎。

5. Replace stabilizer. 更换横向稳定杆。

6. Adjust or replace bearings. 调整或更换轴承。

7. Replace strut. 更换滑柱。

Problem: Wheel shimmy 车轮摆振,发飘(轮胎沿垂直于地面轴线方向的横摆运动)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Wheel and tire assembly out of dynamic balance. 车轮和车胎总成失去动态平衡。

2. Tire pressure uneven. 车胎压力不平均。

3. Worn or loose front wheel bearings. 前车轮轴承磨损或松脱。

4. Defective shock absorbers or struts. 减振器或滑杆故障。

5. Improper or uneven caster. 不当或不均匀的主销后倾角。

6. Excessive tire or wheel runout. 车胎或车轮失圆过大。

7. Abnormally worn tires. 车胎不正常磨损。

8. Improper toe-in. 不适当的前束。

9. Defective stabilizer bar. 稳定杆故障。

10.Tire pressure too low. 胎压过低。

11.Loose wheel lugs. 车轮平头螺丝松动。

12.Front end misaligned. 前桥定位不成直线。

13.Bent wheel. 车轮弯曲。

Correction 解决方法
1. Balance assembly statically and dynamically. 用静态和动态方法平衡总成。

2. Inflate both front tires to same pressure. 打气使两个前轮有相同的气压。

3. Adjust or replace bearings. 调整或更换轴承。

4. Replace shocks or struts. 更换减振器或滑杆。

5. Adjust caster angle. 调节主销后倾角。

6. Correct by moving tire on rim or replace defective parts. 通过移动轮辋上的车胎或更换有缺陷的部件。

7. Move to rear if still serviceable. 如果还可以使用的话,调换到后边。

8. Adjust to specifications. 根据规格进行调整。

9. Replace stabilizer. 更换稳定杆。

10.Inflate tires to correct pressure. 把车胎的压力打到正确的压力。

11.Tighten lugs. 上紧螺丝。

12.Align front end. 调整前桥定位。

13.Replace wheel. 更换车轮。

Problem: Poor recovery following turns and/or hard steering 转向后回直操作不良和/或转向沉重
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Low tire pressure. 胎压太低。

2. Lack of lubrication. 缺少润滑。

3. Front wheels misaligned. 前轮定位不当。

4. Bent spindle assembly. 转向轴总成弯曲。

Correction 解决方法
1. Inflate to proper pressure. 把轮胎压力充到适当的压力。

2. Lubricate steering system. 润滑转向系统。

3. Align front wheels properly. 适当的定位调整前轮。

4. Replace spindle assembly. 更换转向轴总成。

Problem: Vehicle pulls to one side 车辆总是偏向一边
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Uneven tire pressure. 车胎压力不均匀。

2. Improper toe-in. 不适当的前束。

3. Incorrect or uneven caster. 不正确或不均匀的前轮主销后倾角。

4. Incorrect or uneven camber. 不正确或不均匀的前轮外倾角。

5. Improper rear wheel tracking. 不适当的后轮与前轮在同一轮迹上转动。

6. Tires not same size. 轮胎的尺寸大小不一。

7. Bent spindle assembly. 转向轴总成弯曲。

8. Worn or improperly adjusted wheel bearings. 车轮轴承磨损或不适当的调整。

9. Dragging brakes. 拖拽制动器。

Correction 解决方法
1. Inflate both front tires to same pressure. 把两个前轮的压力充到相同。

2. Adjust toe-in to specifications. 根据规格调整前束。

3. Adjust caster angle. 调整前轮主销后倾角。

4. Adjust camber angle. 调整前轮外倾角。

5. Align rear axle assembly. 定位后桥轴总成。

6. Install same size tires on both sides. 在两边装上相同尺寸的轮胎。

7. Replace spindle. 更换转向轴。

8. Adjust or replace bearings. 调整或更换轴承。

9. Adjust brakes. 调整制动器。

Problem: Vehicle wanders from side to side 车辆左右漂移
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Low or uneven tire pressure. 车胎压力太低或不均匀。

2. Toe-in incorrect. 前束不正确。

3. Improper caster. 前轮主销后倾角不适当。

4. Improper camber. 前轮外倾角不适当。

5. Worn or improperly adjusted front wheel bearings. 前轮轴承磨损或不适当的调整。

6. Vehicle overloaded or loaded too much on one side. 车辆超载或在一边装载太多。

7. Bent spindle assembly. 转向轴弯曲了。

Correction 解决方法
1. Inflate tires to recommended pressure. 把车胎的压力充到推荐的要求

2. Adjust toe-in. 调整前束。

3. Adjust caster angle. 调整前轮主销后倾角

4. Adjust camber angle. 调整前轮外倾角

5. Replace or adjust wheel bearings. 更换或调整车轮轴承。

6. Advise owner regarding vehicle load limits. 提醒车主车辆的载重限度。

7. Replace spindle. 更换转向轴。

Problem: Tire squeal on corners 车胎在转弯时发出啸声
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Low tire pressure. 胎压太低

2. Toe-out on turns incorrect. 后束转向时不准确

3. Excessive cornering speed. 转弯速度过快

4. Bent spindle assembly. 转向轴总成弯曲

5. Improper front end alignment. 前端调整定位不准确

Correction 解决方法
1. Inflate to recommended pressure. 把车胎压力加到推荐范围

2. Replace bent steering arm. 更换弯曲的转向臂

3. Advise driver. 提醒司机

4. Replace spindle. 更换转向轴

5. Align front wheels. 调整定位前轮

Problem: Loose, erratic steering 转向装置松脱或错误
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Loose front wheel bearings. 前轮轴承松开

2. Loose wheel lugs. 车轮凸耳螺拴松脱

3. Wheel out of balance. 车轮失去平衡

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace or adjust. 更换或调整

2. Tight lugs. 拧紧凸耳螺拴

3. Balance wheel assembly. 平衡车轮总成

Problem: Hard riding 驾驶时觉得太硬
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Excessive tire pressure. 胎压过高

2. Improper tire size. 车轮尺寸不适合

3. Heavy-duty shock absorbers installed. 安装了加强型减振器

Correction 解决方法
1. Reduce pressure to specifications. 把胎压减到规定范围

2. Install correct size. 安装适合尺寸的轮胎

3. Advise driver and/or change shocks. 提醒司机并/或更换减振器

Problem: Improper wheel tracking 轮距不适当
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Frame sprung. 车身弯曲

2. Rear axle housing sprung. 后车桥壳弯曲

3. Broken leaf spring. 钢板弹簧断裂

4. Broken spring center bolt; spring shifted on axle housing. 钢板弹簧的中心螺拴断裂;在车桥壳上弹簧活动

5. Wheels misaligned. 车轮定位不当

Correction 解决方法
1. Straighten frame. 矫平车身

2. Replace or straighten housing. 更换或矫直车桥壳

3. Replace spring. 更换弹簧

4. Install new spring center bolt. 安装新的弹簧中心螺拴

5. Align all wheels. 定位调整所有的车轮

Problem: Noise from front or rear wheels 从前轮或后轮传来噪音
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Wheel lugs loose. 车轮平头螺拴松脱

2. Defective wheel bearings. 车轮轴承损坏

3. Loose wheel bearings. 车轮轴承松动

4. Lack of lubrication. 缺少润滑

5. Lump or bulge on tire tread. 在车轮花纹上有结块或突起物

6. Rock or debris stuck in tire tread. 在车轮花纹里有石块或碎石

7. Cracked wheel. 车轮有裂缝

8. Wheel hub loose on axle taper (where used). 在车轴上的车轮平头螺拴松动(有使用的话)

9. Wheel bearing worn or defective. 车轮轴承磨损或损坏

Correction 解决方法
1. Tighten lugs. 拧紧螺拴

2. Replace wheel bearings. 更换车轮轴承

3. Adjust wheel bearings. 调整车轮轴承

4. Lubricate bearings. 给轴承上润滑油

5. Replace tire. 更换轮胎

6. Remove rock or debris. 取出石块或碎石

7. Replace wheel. 更换轮胎

8. Inspect and tighten. 检查并拧紧

9. Replace wheel bearing. 更换车轮轴承

Problem: Tires lose air 车胎漏气
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Puncture. 轮胎被刺破

2. Bent, dirty, or rusty rim flanges. 轮辋边缘弯曲,肮脏或生锈

3. Loose wheel-rim rivets. 轮辋铆钉松动

4. Leaking valve core or stem. 气门芯或气门嘴嘴体漏气

5. Striking curbs with excessive force. 使用太大的力量撞到路缘

6. Flaw in tire casing. 轮胎胎体有裂缝

7. Excessive cornering speed especially with low tire pressure. 转弯时速度过快尤其是在轮压低的时候

8. Porous wheel rim. 轮辋边缘渗水

Correction 解决方法
1. Repair puncture. 修理被刺破的地方

2. Clean or replace wheel. 清洁或更换轮胎

3. Peen rivets. 把铆钉敲进去

4. Replace as needed. 根据需要进行更换

5. Advise driver. 提醒司机

6. Repair or replace tire. 修理或更换轮胎

7. Advise driver. 提醒司机

8. Repair porous wheel rim. 修理渗水的轮辋边缘

Problem: Tire wears in center 轮胎中心磨损过度Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Excessive pressure. 胎压过高

Correction 解决方法
1. Reduce tire pressure to specifications. 把胎压减到规定范围内

Problem: Tire wears on one edge 轮胎的一边磨损过度
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Improper camber. 前轮外倾错误

2. High speed cornering. 转弯时速度过快

Correction 解决方法
1. Align camber angle. 调节定位前轮外倾角度

2. Advise driver. 提醒司机

Problem: Tire wears on both sides 轮胎的两边磨损过度
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Low pressure. 胎压过低

2. Overloading vehicle. 车辆负载过大

Correction 解决方法
1. Inflate tires to specifications. 把胎压加到规定范围

2. Advise driver. 提醒司机

Problem: Tire scuffing or feather edging 车胎划伤或出现羽状裂纹
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Excessive toe-out (inside edges). 车轮后束过大(内侧)

2. Excessive toe-in (inside edges). 车轮前束过大(内侧)

3. Excessive cornering speed. 转弯时速度过高

4. Improper tire pressure. 胎压不适当

5. Wheel shimmy. 轮胎发飘

6. Improper toe-out on turns. 转向时后束不恰当

7. Excessive runout. 偏转过大

8. Improper camber. 前轮外倾角度不当

9. Bent spindle assembly. 转向轴总成弯曲

Correction 解决方法
1. Correct toe-out. 矫正后束

2. Correct toe-in. 矫正前束

3. Advise driver. 提醒司机

4. Inflate tires to specifications. 把胎压加到规定范围

5. Balance wheels statically and dynamically. 使用静态和动态平衡调整轮胎

6. Replace bent steering arm. 更换弯曲的转向臂

7. Correct or replace tire or wheel. 矫正或更换车胎或车轮

8. Adjust camber angle. 调整外倾角度

9. Replace spindle. 更换转向轴

Problem: Tire cupping 轮胎胎面环状槽形磨损
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Uneven camber. 前轮外倾角度不规则

2. Bent spindle assembly. 转向轴总成弯曲

3. Improper toe-in. 前束不当

4. Improper tire pressure. 胎压不当

5. Excessive runout. 偏转过大

6. Wheel and tire assembly out of balance. 车轮和车胎总成丧失平衡

7. Worn or improperly adjusted wheel bearings. 车轮轴承磨损或不适当的调整

8. Grabby brakes. 引起颠簸而突然结合的制动器

Correction 解决方法
1. Correct camber angle. 矫正外倾角度

2. Replace spindle. 更换转向轴

3. Adjust toe-in. 调整前束

4. Inflate tires to specification. 增加胎压到规定范围

5. Correct or replace wheel or tire. 矫正或更换车轮或车胎

6. Balance both statically and dynamically. 利用静态和动态平衡进行调整

7. Replace or adjust wheel bearings. 更换或调整车轮轴承

8. Repair brakes. 修理制动器

Problem: Heel and toe wear 胎根和胎趾磨损
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Grabby brakes. 引起颠簸而突然结合的制动器

2. Heavy acceleration. 加速太猛

Correction 解决方法
1. Repair brakes. 修理制动器

2. Advise driver. 提醒司机
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月

Problem: Excessive high-side pressure (高压侧压力过高)
Possible cause可能的原因
1. Air in system. 系统内有空气。

2. Overcharge of refrigerant. 冷冻剂超载。

3. Engine overheating. 引擎过热。

4. Water pump belt slipping. 水泵皮带滑动。

5. Clogged condenser core. 冷凝器芯子堵塞。

6. Excessive oil in system. 系统内油量过多。

7. Restriction in lines, condenser, or receiver-dehydrator. 线路,冷凝器或存储干燥器内有节流。

8. Expansion valve superheat setting too low. 膨胀阀过热设置太低。

9. Filters or screens plugged. 滤清器或滤网堵塞。

10.Low fan speed. 风扇速度低。

Correction 解决方法
1. Leak test. Recover and correct leak. Evacuate and charge system.

2. Recover. Evacuate and charge with correct amount. 补救。清除并填充正确的数量。

3. Correct cause of overheating.纠正过热的原因。

4. Adjust or replace belt. 调整或更换皮带。

5. Remove bugs, leaves, dirt, and other debris. 清除昆虫,树叶,尘土和其他垃圾。

6. Remove excess oil. 清除过多的油。

7. Remove part and clean or replace as needed. 拆除部件并根据需要清洁或更换部件。

8. Replace unit. 更换部件。

9. Remove and clean or replace as needed. 取出并清洁或根据需要更换部件。

10.Test and correct. 测试并更正。

Problem: Insufficient high-side pressure (高压侧压力不足)

Possible cause (可能的原因)
1. Insufficient refrigerant charge. 冷却剂填充量不足。

2. Defective compressor valves. 压缩机阀门有缺陷。

3. Expansion valve or evaporator pressure valve stuck open. 膨胀阀或蒸发器压力阀门被卡住打开。

4. Extremely cold ambient temperature. 极度寒冷的环境温度。

Correction (解决方法)
1. Charge system with recommended amount or refrigerant. 根据推荐的数量或冷却剂填充系统。

2. Replace valves or compressor. 更换阀门或压缩机。

3. Replace valve. 更换阀门。

4. Retest on warmer day. 选择另一个较温暖的日子重新测试。

Problem: Excessive low-side pressure (低压侧压力过高)Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Defective expansion valve. 膨胀阀有缺陷。

2. Insufficient oil in system. 系统内油量不足。

3. Expansion valve thermal bulb not in good contact. 膨胀阀的热量灯泡接触不良。

4. Defective evaporator pressure control valve. 蒸发器压力控制阀门有缺陷。

5. Expansion valve frozen. 膨胀阀冻冰。

6. Compressor clutch slipping. 压缩机离合器滑动。

7. Restricted suction line. 进气通道堵塞。

8. Slipping compressor drive belt. 压缩机驱动皮带滑动。

9. Defective compressor valves. 压缩机阀门有问题。

10.Moisture in system. 系统内潮湿。

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace expansion valve. 更换膨胀阀。

2. Add oil. 增加油量。

3. Clean connection and tighten. Insulate outlet pipe as required. 清洁接头并拧紧。根据需要使排出管绝缘。

4. Replace control valve. 更换控制阀门。

5. Replace receiver-dehydrator. Recharge system. 更换储存干燥器。填充系统。

6. Repair or replace suction line.修理或更换进气通道。

7. Clean or replace suction line. 清洁或更换进气通道。

8. Adjust or replace belt. 调整或更换皮带。

9. Replace valves or compressor. 更换阀门或压缩机。

10.Repair leaks. Replace receiver-drier. Evacuate and recharge system. 修理渗漏的地方。更换贮液-干燥器。

Problem: Insufficient low-side pressure (低压侧压力不足)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Insufficient charge. 填充物不足。

2. Insufficient airflow. 气流不足。

3. Defective evaporator pressure control valve. 蒸发机压力控制阀门有问题。

4. Defective expansion valve. 膨胀阀有问题。

5. Liquid line clogged. 液体管路堵塞。

6. Restricted suction line, receiver-drier, or expansion valve. 进气通道,贮液-干燥器或膨胀阀门堵塞。

7. Temperature control thermostat does not cut out. 温度调节器不能关闭。

8. Compressor clutch will not disengage. 压缩机离合器不能释放。

Correction 解决方法
1. Charge with recommended of refrigerant. 填充推荐的冷却剂。

2. Clean evaporator core. Check blower operation. 清洁蒸发器芯子。检查鼓风机。

3. Repair. Adjust or replace as needed. 修理。 调整或根据需要更换。

4. Replace expansion valve. 更换膨胀阀。

5. Replace line. 更换液体管路。

6. Replace line, receiver-dehydrator, or expansion valve. 更换进气通道,贮液-干燥器或膨胀阀门。

7. Replace thermostat. 更换调温器。

8. Repair or replace compressor clutch. 修理或更换压缩机离合器。

Problem: Water discharged with airflow (水和气流一起排出)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Clogged evaporator. 蒸发器堵塞。

Correction 解决方法
1. Clean evaporator drain. 清洁蒸发器的排水口。

Problem: System noisy (系统里的噪音)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Compressor mounting loose. 压缩机固定件松脱。

2. Compressor belt slipping. 压缩机皮带滑动。

3. Refrigeration system lines vibrating. 制冷系统管道抖动。

4. Blower motor defective. 风机马达有故障。

5. Loose air ducts. 风管松动。

6. Excessive oil in airflow system. 气流系统内有过多的油。

7. Blower blades striking housing. 风机叶片撞击箱体。

8. Obstructions in airflow system. 气流系统内有阻碍物。

9. Defective compressor. 压缩机故障。

10.Defective expansion valve. 膨胀阀门有故障。

Correction 解决方法
1. Tighten mounting fasteners. 上紧固定件。

2. Adjust belt tension. 调整皮带的松紧度。

3. Install clamps and insulations. 安装夹具和隔层。

4. Replace blower motor. 更换风机马达。

5. Tighten air ducts. 上紧风管。

6. Drain and install correct amount of oil. 放空并加入正确数量的油。

7. Adjust for clearance. 调节正确的空隙。

8. Remove obstructions. 取出阻碍物。

9. Repair or replace as required. 根据需要进行修理或更换。

10.Replace expansion valve. 更换膨胀阀门。

Problem: Airflow contains objectionable odor 气流里存在有害的气味
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Odor-producing material on evaporator core. 蒸发机芯子上气味产生的材料。

2. Outside odors drawn in by airflow system. 通过气流系统进来的外部的气味。

Correction 解决方法
1. Clean evaporator core, add disinfectant. 清洁蒸发机芯子,添加杀菌剂。

2. Advise driver as to reason. 提醒车主产生的原因。

Problem: Insufficient airflow 气流不足
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Defective blower. 风机有故障。

2. Clogged ducts. 管道堵塞。

3. Evaporator core icing. 蒸发机芯子结冰。

4. Loose duct hose connections. 管道连接处松动。

5. Shut-off valves in air discharge outlets closed. 气流排放口的关闭阀被关闭。

6. Dirty evaporator core. 蒸发机芯子太脏。

7. Airflow system control doors malfunctioning. 气流系统控制门失效。

8. Blower disconnected or circuit fuse blown. 风机断开了或者电路保险丝溶断。

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace blower. 更换风机。

2. Clean ducts. 清理管道。

3. Replace control valve or thermostatic switch. 更换控制阀或恒温开关。

4. Attach flexible hose securely. 把软管上紧。

5. Advise driver as to proper operation. 告诉车主如何正确的操作。

6. Clean core. 清洁芯子。

7. Check vacuum or electronic control system. 检查真空或电子控制系统。

8. Connect or replace fuse. 连接或更换保险丝。

Problem: Evaporator icing 蒸发机结冰
Possible cause 可能的原因 1.Defective or improperly adjusted evaporator pressure valve. 蒸发机压力阀有故障或被不适当的调整。

2. Defective thermostatic switch.恒温开关有故障。

3. Compressor clutch will not disengage. 压缩机离合器不能分离。

4. Thermostat capillary tube not in proper contact with evaporator. 恒温毛细管和蒸发机结触不当。

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust or replace valve. 调整或更换阀门。

2. Replace switch. 更换开关。

3. Repair clutch. 修理离合器。

4. Place tube in proper contact with core. 让毛细管和芯子正确连接。

Problem: No or insufficient cooling 没有或者制冷不足
Possible cause 可能的原因 1. Defective thermostatic switch. 恒温开关有故障。

2. Defective evaporator pressure valve. 蒸发机压力阀门有故障。

3. Broken or slipping compressor belt. 压缩机皮带断裂或滑动。

4. Compressor defective. 压缩机故障。

5. Compressor clutch inoperative. 压缩机离合器操作不良。

6. Defective expansion valve. 膨胀阀故障。

7. Insufficient refrigerant charge. 制冷剂填充不足。

8. Excessive oil in system. 系统内油量过多。

9. Expansion valve screen clogged. 膨胀阀网面堵塞。

10.Bugs, leaves, other debris on condenser. 冷凝器上有虫子,叶子或其他杂物。

11.Fan belt slipping or broken. 风扇皮带滑动或断裂。

12.Excessive refrigerant charge. 制冷剂填充过多。

13.Moisture in system. 系统内有湿气。

14.Air in system. 系统内有空气。

15.Evaporator core dirty. 蒸发机芯子太脏。

16.Clogged or kinked lines. 管道堵塞或扭结。

17.Clogged receiver-dehydrator. 存储干燥器堵塞。

18.Engine overheating. 引擎过热。

19.Clogged evaporator drain. 蒸发机排泄口堵塞。

20.Evaporator icing. 蒸发机结冰。

21.Clogged orifice tube. 节流管堵塞。

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace switch. 更换开关。

2. Replace valve. 更换阀门。

3. Replace or adjust tension. 更换或调整松紧度。

4. Replace compressor. 更换压缩机。

5. Repair clutch. 修理离合器。

6. Replace expansion valve. 更换膨胀阀。

7. Charge system. 填充系统。

8. Drain system and add correct amount. 排放系统并增加到正确的数量。

9. Clean screen or replace valve. 清洁网面或更换阀门。

10.Clean condenser. 清洁冷凝器。

11.Adjust tension or replace belt. 调整松紧度或更换皮带。

12.Charge correctly. 正确填充。

13.Repair leaks. Install new receiver-dehydrator and charge. 修理渗漏处。安装新的储存干燥器并填充。

14.Repair leaks. Evacuate and charge. 修理渗漏处。抽空并填充。

15.Clean core. 清洁芯子。

16.Clean or replace lines. 清洁或更换管道。

17.Install new receiver-dehydrator. 安装新的存储干燥器。

18.Correct cause. 纠正错误。

19.Clean drain. 清洁排泄口。

20.See Evaporator icing. 见蒸发机结冰。

21.Replace orifice tube. 更换节流管
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Transfer Case (Part-Time Drive) Problem Diagnosis 分动器(非全时全轮驱动)问题诊断

Problem: Jumps out of gear in two-wheel drive 在两轮驱动时变速器会跳出档位
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Shift lever detent spring weak or broken. 换档杆的止动弹片变弱或断裂
2. Sliding clutch spline engaging surface worn or tapered. 滑动式离合器的花键啮合表面磨损或被磨成锥形

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace spring. 更换弹簧
2. Replace worn parts. 更换磨损的部件

Problem: Jumps out of gear in four-wheel drive 在四轮驱动时变速器会跳出档位
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Shift lever interference with floor pan. 变速杆和浅盘形地板相互影响
2. Excessive transfer case movement. 分动器的活动范围过大
3. Sliding clutch engaging surfaces tapered or worn. 滑动式离合器的啮合表面被磨成锥形或磨损
4. Bent shift fork. 换档拨叉弯曲
5. Shift rod detent spring weak or broken. 换档拨叉轴的止动弹簧变弱或断裂
6. Shift lever torsion spring (where used) not holding. 变速杆的扭杆弹簧(如有使用的话)不能固定
7. Worn bearings, gear teeth, or shafts. 轴承,齿轮齿,或轴磨损

Correction 解决方法
1. Provide proper clearance. 给予适当的间隙
2. Check and replace transfer case mounts. 检查并更换分动器的安装固件
3. Replace worn parts. 更换磨损部件
4. Replace shift fork. 更换换档拨叉
5. Replace detent spring. 更换止动弹簧
6. Replace torsion spring. 更换扭杆弹簧
7. Overhaul unit. 对部件进行大修

Problem: Noise 噪音
Note: Transfer cases using a gear drive produce considerable gear whine, which is normal. 使用一个轴承驱动的分动器会产生相当大的轴承噪声是正常现象
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Worn bearings, splines, chipped gears, or worn shafts. 轴承,花键磨损,齿轮削平,或轴磨损
2. Low lubrication level. 润滑液的水平面过低
3. Loose or broken mounts. 安装固件松动或断裂

Correction 解决方法
1. Rebuild unit. 对部件进行大修
2. Fill to proper level. 加满到合适的高度
3. Tighten or replace mounts. 上紧或更换紧固件
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Brake Problem Diagnosis 制动系统问题的诊断

Problem: No brakes 没有制动
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Broken line, hose, or other leak. 线路,软管断裂或有其他的渗漏
2. Air in system. 系统内有空气
3. Lining and/or pads worn. 衬片和/或摩擦衬块磨损
4. Master cylinder cups leaking. 主缸盖渗漏
5. Low fluid level in master cylinder. 主缸内的液体面过低
6. Brake pedal linkage disconnected. 制动踏板连杆断开
7. Automatic shoe adjusters not functioning. 自动制动蹄的调节器失效
8. Vaporized fluid from excessive braking. 过度使用制动引起的制动液蒸发
9. Caliper seal or piston damage. 制动钳密封圈或活塞损坏

Correction 解决方法
1. Repair source of leak. 修理渗漏的源头
2. Bleed system. Repair source of air entry. 给制动系统放气.修理使空气进入的地方
3. Adjust or reline brakes. 调整或更换制动蹄片
4. Rebuild or replace master cylinder. 重装或更换主缸
5. Fill reservoir and bleed system. 加满储液罐并给系统放气
6. Reconnect brake pedal. 重新连接制动踏板
7. Repair or replace adjusters. Adjust shoes. 修理或更换调节器.调整制动蹄
8. Allow to cool. Install new fluid. Advise driver. 让制动器冷却下来.添加新的制动液.提醒司机
9. Repair or replace caliper as needed. 修理或根据需要更换制动钳

Problem: Spongy pedal 踏板海棉感(因油路中有气体)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Air in system. 制动系统内有空气
2. Shoes not centered in drum. 制动鼓里的制动蹄不在中心位置
3. Drums worn or too thin. 制动鼓磨损或太薄
4. Soft hose. 软管断裂(?)
5. Shoe lining wrong thickness. 制动蹄片错误得过厚
6. Cracked brake drum. 制动鼓有裂缝
7. Brake shoes distorted. 制动蹄变形
8. Insufficient brake fluid. 制动液失效
9. Bent pads. 制动踏板弯曲

Correction 解决方法
1. Bleed system. Repair source of air entry. 为系统放气.修理进气的地方
2. Adjust anchors to center shoes. 调整支承板使制动鼓回到中心位置
3. Replace drums. 更换制动鼓
4. Replace hose. 更换制动蹄
5. Install correcting lining. 正确安装制动蹄片
6. Replace drum. 更换制动鼓
7. Replace shoes. 更换制动蹄
8. Bleed system. Fill with fluid. 给系统放气.装满制动液
9. Replace pads. 更换制动踏板

Problem: Hard pedal (excessive foot pressure required) 踏板太硬(需要过多的脚部压力)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Incorrect lining. 制动片衬片不正确
2. Linings contaminated with grease or brake fluid. 衬片被润滑脂或制动液弄脏
3. Brake shoes not centered. 制动蹄不在中心位置
4. Primary and secondary shoes reversed. (鼓式制动器)领蹄及从蹄装反了
5. Brake linkage binding. 制动系联杆机构粘合
6. Master or wheel cylinder pistons frozen. 主缸或轮缸活塞粘着
7. Linings hard and glazed. 衬片过硬并且有光泽
8. Lining ground to wrong radius. 衬片被摩擦至错误的半径
9. Brake line or hose clogged or kinked. 制动管路或软管堵塞或扭结
10.Power booster unit defective. 制动系助力器故障
11.No vacuum to power booster. 没有真空去到助力器
12.Engine fails to maintain proper vacuum to booster. 发动机不能保持适当的真空到助力器
13.Pads worn excessively thin. 摩擦衬块磨损得太薄
14.Seized caliper piston(s). 制动钳活塞卡住了
15.Heat-checked or blued rotor. 制动盘出现热裂纹或蓝热
16.Faulty proportioning valve. 比例故障
17.Quick take-up valve center orifice clogged. 快速充液阀的中心孔堵塞

Correction 解决方法
1. Install proper lining. 正确安装衬片
2. Replace or reline shoes. Repair source of leak. 更换蹄片或更换摩擦衬片.修理渗漏的地方
3. Center brake shoes. 把制动蹄片放在中心位置
4. Install shoes in correct location. 正确安装蹄片
5. Free and lubricate. 松开并加润滑油
6. Rebuild or replace cylinder. 重装或更换活塞
7. Sand lining with medium grit sandpaper. 用中号粒度的砂纸打磨衬片
8. Grind lining as specified. 按照规格研磨衬片
9. Repair or replace line or hose. 修理或更换管路或软管
10.Repair or replace power booster. 修理或更换助力器
11.Replace clogged, soft lines. Repair vacuum leaks. 更换被堵塞的及软掉的管路.修理真空泄漏处
12.Tune or overhaul engine. 调整或大修发动机
13.Replace pads. 更换摩擦衬块
14.Repair or replace. 修理或更换
15.Replace rotor. 更换制动盘
16.Replace valve. 更换阀门
17.Replace master cylinder. 更换主缸

Problem: Brakes grab (one or more wheels) 制动器引起颠簸的突然结合(一个或多个车轮)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Grease or brake fluid on lining and/or pads. 衬片及/或衬块粘上油脂或制动液
2. Lining charred. 衬片烧焦
3. Lining loose on shoe.蹄片上的衬片松动
4. Loose wheel bearings. 车轮轴承松动
5. Defective wheel bearings. 车轮轴承出现故障
6. Loose brake backing plate. 制动器支撑板松动
7. Defective drum. 制动鼓故障
8. Sand or dirt in brake shoe assembly. 制动蹄片总成里有砂子或脏物
9. Wrong brake lining. 制动衬片安装错误
10.Primary and secondary linings or shoes revered. 领蹄和从蹄的衬片或蹄片装反了
11.Loose caliper. 制动钳松动
12.Defective power brake booster. 助力器出现故障
13.Uneven tire pressure. 胎压不平均

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace lining and/or pads. 更换衬片和/或衬块
2. If mild, sand. If Severe, replace. 如果不严重,砂磨.如果严重,更换
3. Replace brake shoes. 更换制动蹄
4. Adjust wheel bearings. 调整车轮轴承
5. Replace bearings. 更换车轮轴承
6. Torque backing plate fasteners. 给制动器支撑板紧固件上扭矩
7. Resurface or replace drum. 修磨表面或更换制动鼓
8. Disassemble and clean linings and drum. 拆卸并清洗衬片及制动鼓
9. Install correct lining. 正确安装衬片
10.Install correctly. 正确安装
11.Tighen to specification. 加固到规定范围
12.Repair or replace. 修理或更换
13.Inflate to specifications. 充气到规定范围

Problem: Brake fade 制动效能衰减
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Poor quality shoes and/or pads. 蹄片及/或衬块质量差
2. Excessive use of brakes. 过分使用制动器
3. Overheated brake fluid. 制动液过热
4. Improper lining-to-drum contact. 衬片和制动鼓之间的结触不当
5. Thin brake drums. 制动鼓过薄
6. Dragging brakes. 制动器拖滞
7. “Riding” the brake pedal. 驾驶时脚总是放在制动踏板上
8. Excessively thin rotors. 制动盘太薄

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace shoes and/or pads. 更换蹄片及/或衬块
2. Use lower gears, reduce speed or load. 使用较低的档位,减速或减少负载
3. Flush. Install super heavy-duty fluid. 冲洗.添加特级制动液
4. Adjust shoes or resurface drum. 调整蹄片或修磨制动鼓表面
5. Install new drums. 安装新的制动鼓
6. Adjust or repair other cause of dragging. 调整或修理其他拖滞的原因
7. Advise driver to keep foot off brake pedal unless needed. 提醒司机如无必要,不要把脚放在制动踏板上
8. Replace rotors. 更换制动盘

Problem: Brakes pull vehicle to one side 制动器牵引车辆到一边
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. One wheel grabbing. 一个车轮结合发抖
2. Shoes not centered or adjusted properly. 蹄片不在中心位置或调节不当
3. Different lining on one side or shoes reversed on one side. 衬片的一边和另一边不同或蹄片安装反了
4. Plugged brake line or hose. 制动管路或软管堵塞
5. Uneven tire pressure. 胎压不平均
6. Front end misaligned. 前桥定位不准确
7. Sagged, weak, or broken spring. Weak shock absorber or strut. 弹簧下垂,变软,或断裂.减振器或滑柱变软
8. Wheel cylinder bore diameter different on one side. 轮缸孔径不同
9. Pads contaminated with grease or brake fluid. 摩擦衬块被油脂或制动液弄脏
10.Caliper or backing plate loose. 制动钳或支撑板松动

Correction 解决方法
1. See Brake grab. 见制动器引起颠簸的突然结合
2. Center and adjust lining-to-drum clearance. 把蹄片放在中心位置并调整衬片和制动鼓之间的空隙
3. Replace lining or install shoes in proper position. 更换衬片或将蹄片安装到适当的位置
4. Clean or replace brake line. 清洁或更换制动管路
5. Use same pressure on both sides. 在两边使用相同的压力 
6. Align front end. 为前桥定位
7. Install new spring, shocks or struts. 安装新的弹簧,减振器或滑柱
8. Install correct size cylinder. 安装正确尺寸的轮缸
9. Replace pads. 更换摩擦衬块
10.Tighten backing plate retainers to specifications. 上紧支撑板的定位器到规定的范围

Problem: Brakes drag 制动器拖滞
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Parking brake adjusted too tight. 停车制动器被调整得过紧
2. Clogged hose or line. 软管或管路堵塞
3. Master cylinder reservoir cap vent clogged. 主缸储液罐盖子的通风口被堵住
4. Brake pedal not fully releasing. 制动器踏板不能完全释放
5. Insufficient pedal free travel. 制动器踏板的自由行程不充分
6. Brake adjusted too tight. 制动器被调整的太紧
7. Brake not centered in drum. 制动器不在制动鼓的中心位置
8. Master cylinder or wheel cylinder cups soft and sticky. 主缸或轮缸皮圈变软并变粘
9. Loose wheel bearing. 车轮轴承松动
10.Parking brake fails to release. 停车制动器不能释放
11.Shoe retracting springs weak or broken. 制动蹄复位弹簧变弱或断裂
12.Out-of-round drum. 制动鼓失圆
13.Defective power booster. 助力器出现故障
14.Seized caliper piston. 制动钳活塞卡住
15.Sliding caliper piston. 制动钳活塞滑动
16.Rotor thickness out of specifications. 制动盘的厚度超出规定的范围
17.Loose caliper bolts. 制动钳螺栓松动
18.Bent pads. 摩擦衬块弯曲
19.Improper or contaminated brake fluid. 制动液不适当或被污染

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust properly. 适当调整
2. Clean or replace brake line. 清洁或更换制动管路
3. Open vent in cap. 在盖子上开一个通风口
4. Adjust brake pedal. 调整制动踏板
5. Adjust pedal free travel so that compensating port will be open when brake is released. 调整制动踏板的自由行程以便当制动器被释放时,制动主缸的补偿孔可以被打开
6. Adjust correctly. 正确调整
7. Center shoes in drum. 把制动鼓里的蹄片放在中心
8. Rebuild or replace cylinders. Flush system. 大修或更换主缸或轮缸.冲洗系统
9. Adjust wheel bearings. 调整车轮轴承
10.Clean and lubricate parking brake linkage. 清洁并润滑停车制动连杆
11.Replace shoe springs. 更换制动蹄弹簧
12.Resurface drum. 修磨制动鼓表面
13.Rebuild or replace booster. 大修或更换助力器
14.Rebuild or replace caliper. 大修或更换制动钳
15.Free caliper. Clean sliding surfaces and lubricate if required by manufacturer. 松开制动钳.清洁滑动的表面并润滑如果制造商要求的话
16.Replace rotor. 更换制动盘
17.Tighten to specifications. 上紧到规定范围
18.Replace pads. 更换摩擦衬块
19.Repair as necessary. 如有需要进行修理

Problem: “Nervous” pedal (pedal moves rapidly up and down when applying brakes) "神经质"制动踏板(当踩下制动器时,制动踏板快速地上下移动)Note: This is a normal operating condition on vehicles equipped with anti-lock brakes. 注:在装有ABS的车辆上,这是正常情况.
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Brake drums out-of-round. 制动鼓失圆
2. Excessive disc runout. 制动盘偏摆过度
3. Loose wheel bearings. 车轮轴承松动
4. Drums loose. 制动鼓松动
5. Rear axle bent. 后车桥弯曲
6. Brake assembly attachments loose or missing. 制动器总成附属装置松动或丢失

Correction 解决方法
1. Resurface drums. 修磨制动鼓表面
2. Resurface or repair disc. 修磨制动盘表面或修理制动盘
3. Adjust wheel bearings. 调整车轮轴承
4. Tighten wheel lugs, adjust brakes. 上紧车轮平头螺栓,调整制动器
5. Replace axle. 更换后车桥
6. Repair as necessary. 如有需要,进行修理

Problem: Brakes chatter 制动颤振(抖动)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Weak or broken shoe retracting springs. 制动蹄复位弹簧变软或断裂
2. Defective power booster. 助力器出现故障
3. Loose backing plate. 支撑板松动
4. Loose or damaged wheel bearings. 车轮轴承松动或损坏 
5. Drums tapered or barrel shaped. 制动鼓变成锥形或酒桶形
6. Bent brake shoes. 制动蹄弯曲
7. Dust on lining. 制动器衬片上有灰尘
8. Lining glazed. 制动衬带面太光滑
9. Drum damper spring missing. 制动鼓减振弹簧丢失
10.Grease or fluid on linings. 衬片上有油脂或制动液
11.Shoes not adjusted properly. 制动蹄调整不当
12.Incorrect brake pads. 制动衬块不正确
13.Damaged brake pads. 制动衬块损坏
14.Damaged rotors. 制动盘损坏

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace springs. 更换弹簧
2. Rebuild or replace booster. 大修或更换助力器
3. Tighten fasteners. 上紧紧固件
4. Adjust or replace bearings. 调整或更换轴承
5. Resurface drums. 修磨制动鼓表面
6. Replace brake shoes. 更换制动蹄
7. Sand linings and clean. 用砂纸打磨衬片并清洁
8. Sand linings and clean.  用砂纸打磨衬片并清洁
9. Install damper spring. 安装减振弹簧
10.Repair source of leak and reline brakes. 修理渗漏处并更换制动蹄片
11.Center and adjust shoes. 把制动蹄放在中心位置并调整制动蹄
12.Install correct pads. 正确安装衬块
13.Replace pads. 更换制动衬块
14.Replace or resurface rotors. 更换或修磨制动盘表面

Problem: Brakes squeal 制动时有尖叫声
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Glazed or charred shoes and/or pads. 制动蹄和/或衬块变光滑或烧焦
2. Dust or metal particles imbedded in lining. 灰尘或金属颗粒嵌入衬片里
3. Lining rivets loose. 衬片的铆钉松动
4. Wrong type of lining. 衬片的类型错误
5. Shoe hold-down springs weak or broken. 蹄片的定位弹簧变弱或断裂
6. Drum damper spring missing. 制动鼓减振弹簧丢失
7. Shoes improperly adjusted. 制动蹄片调整不当
8. Shoes bent. 制动蹄片弯曲
9. Bent backing plate. 支撑板弯曲
10.Shoe retracting springs weak or broken. 制动蹄复位弹簧变弱或断裂
11.Drum too thin. 制动鼓太薄
12.Lining saturated with grease or brake fluid. 衬片浸透润滑脂或制动液
13.Pad wear sensors contacting rotor. 制动衬块磨损传感器接触到制动盘
14.Rotor contacting caliper. 制动盘接触到制动钳
15.Loose outboard pads. 外置衬块松动

Correction 解决方法
1. Sand or replace shoes and/or pads. 用砂纸打磨或更换制动蹄和/或衬块
2. Sand lining and clean. 用砂纸打磨衬片并清洁
3. Replace pads or shoes. 更换衬块或蹄片
4. Install pads or shoes with the correcting lining. 用正确的衬片安装到衬块或蹄片上
5. Replace hold-down springs. 更换定位弹簧
6. Install damper spring around drum. 在制动鼓里安装减振弹簧
7. Adjust shoes. 调整蹄片
8. Replace shoes. 更换蹄片
9. Replace backing plate. 更换支撑板
10.Replace springs. 更换弹簧
11.Replace drum. 更换制动鼓
12.Replace lining. Repair leak. 更换衬片.修理渗漏处
13.Replace pads. Resurface rotor if necessary. 更换衬块.如有必要修磨制动盘表面
14.Check for loose fasteners, missing shims, and other problems. Correct as required. 检查松动的紧固件,丢失的垫片,和其他问题.根据要求进行修正
15.Bend tabs to tighten. Replace if tabs are broken. 弯曲凸耳来上紧衬块.如果凸耳断裂,就更换

Problem: Shoes click 制动蹄发出卡嗒声
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Shoe is pulled from backing plate by following tool marks in drum. 蹄片被随动工具拉出支撑板
2. Shoe bent. 制动蹄弯曲
3. Shoe support pads on backing plate grooved. 在支撑板上的蹄片支撑衬块出现凹槽

Correction 解决方法
1. Smooth drum braking surface. 研磨制动鼓的制动表面
2. Replace shoes. 更换制动蹄
3. Smooth and lubricate pads or replace backing plate. 研磨并润滑衬块或更换支撑板

Problem: Red brake warning light comes on 红色制动警告灯亮起
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Air in system. 系统内有空气
2. Malfunctioning master cylinder. 主缸出现故障
3. Worn out brake lining. 制动衬片磨损
4. Defective shoe adjusters. 蹄片调节器出现故障
5. Contaminated or improper brake fluid. 制动液被污染或不当

Correction 解决方法
1. Check for reason and bleed system. 检查原因并给系统放气
2. Repair or replace as necessary. 根据需要进行修理或更换
3. Replace pads or shoes. 更换衬块或蹄片
4. Adjust or replace as necessary. 根据需要进行调整或更换
5. Repair as necessary. 根据需要进行修理

Problem: Amber anti-lock brake (ABS) light comes on 黄色ABS灯亮起
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Anti-lock brake system malfunction. ABS系统出现故障
Correction 解决方法
1. Refer to Chapter 35. 参见第35章

Problem: Automatic shoe adjusters will not function 自动蹄片调节器出现故障
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Adjuster wheel (star wheel) rusty or dirty. (调节蹄间隙的)调整轮(星轮)生锈或太脏
2. Parts installed wrong. 部件安装错误
3. Adjuster lever dirty and sticky. 调节器杠杆太脏并粘住
4. Star wheel notches burred. 星轮的凹槽有毛刺
5. Adjuster lever bent. 调节器杠杆弯曲

Correction 解决方法
1. Clean threads. Lube with high temperature grease. 清洁螺纹.用高温油脂进行润滑
2. Install adjuster correctly. 正确安装调节器
3. Clean and lube adjuster. 清洁并润滑调节器
4. Install new adjuster. 安装新的调节器
5. Install new adjuster lever. 安装新的调节器杠杆
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Transfer Case (Full-Time) diagnosis 分动器(全时全轮驱动)诊断

Problem: Noisy operation 操作时有噪音
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Low lubrication level. 润滑液面太低
2. Operating in “lockout” on hard, dry surface roads. 在坚硬,干燥的路面上时,都会在"闭锁"档操作
3. Improper lubricant. 润滑液不适合
4. “Slip-stick” condition (“Quadra-Trac” type). Make a grunting, pulsating, rasping sound. "滑动粘附现象"(常时四轮驱动型).发出一种咕噜,间断的,刺耳的声音
5. Excessive wear on gears, chains, or differential unit. 轴承,链条,或差动器组件过度磨损
6. Loose or deteriorated mounts. 安装固件松动或老化

Correction 解决方法
1. Fill to correct level. 添加润滑液到正确位置
2. Shift out of “lockout”. Advise driver. 换出"闭锁"档.提醒司机
3. Drain and fill with recommended lubricant. 放尽并添加被推荐的润滑液
4. Normal if vehicle has not been driven for a week or two. Should stop after some usage. If it persists, drain fluid and refill. Use special additive if required. Make certain tire sizes are the same and pressures are equal. 如果车辆还没有驾驶超过一个或两个星期,属于正常情况.如果,这种情况一直出现,放尽润滑液并重新添加.确认轮胎的尺寸及胎压都相同
5. Rebuild as needed. 根据需要进行大修
6. Tighten or replace. 上紧或更换

Problem: Jumps out of low range and/or is hard to shift into or out of low range 从低速档中跳出并/或太难换入或换出低速档
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Shift linkage improperly adjusted, bent, or broken. 换档杆系调整不当,弯曲,或断裂
2. Shift rails dry or scored. 换档拨叉轴干燥或划伤
3. Improper driver operation. 司机操作不当
4. Reduction unit parts worn or damaged. 减速部件磨损或损坏

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust correctly. Straighten or replace. 正确调整.弄直杆系或更换
2. Clean, polish, or lubricate or replace as needed. 清洁,抛光,或润滑或者根据需要更换
3. Follow shift procedure recommended by manufacturer. 按照制造商推荐的换档步奏进行操作
4. Repair as needed. 根据需要进行修理

Problem: Lockout will not engage 不能进行闭锁
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Lockout parts damaged. 闭锁部件损坏
2. Defective vacuum control. Loose or damaged vacuum lines. 真空控制机构出现故障.真空管路松动或损坏
3. Defective shift linkage. 换档杆系出现故障
4. Electronic control system defect. 电子控制系统故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Repair as needed. 根据需要进行维修
2. Replace control. Replace or connect vacuum hoses. (“Quadra-Trac”). 更换控制机构.更换或连接真空软管("常时四轮驱动"型)
3. Repair or replace. 修理或更换
4. Test and repair as necessary. 测试并根据需要修理

Problem: Will not engage in two-wheel drive 不能切换到两轮驱动模式
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. No vacuum. Loose or broken hoses. 没有真空.软管松动或断裂
2. Defective shift motor (axle). 换档马达故障(车桥)
3. Defective shift motor (transfer case). 换档马达故障(分动器)
4. Electronic control system defect. 电子控制系统故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace hoses. Secure all loose connections. 更换软管.上紧所有松动的连接处
2. Replace shift motor. 更换换档马达
3. Replace shift motor. 更换换档马达
4. Test and repair as necessary. 测试并根据需要进行修理

Problem: Will not engage in four-wheel drive 不能切换到四轮驱动模式
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. No vacuum. Loose or broken hoses. 没有真空.软管松动或断裂
2. Defective axle shift motor. 车桥换档马达故障
3. Binding or broken transfer case shift linkage. 分动器换档杆系粘结或断裂
4. Defective axle shift linkage. 车桥换档杆系故障
5. Damaged transfer case. 分动器故障
6. Electronic control system defect. 电子控制系统故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace hoses. Secure all loose connections.  更换软管.上紧所有松动的连接处
2. Replace shift motor. 更换换档马达
3. Repair or replace shift linkage. 修理或更换换档杆系
4. Repair or replace shift linkage. 修理或更换换档杆系
5. Repair or replace transfer case. 修理或更换分动器
6. Test and repair as necessary. 测试并根据需要进行修理

Problem: Loss of lubricant 润滑液不足
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Clogged breather vent in transmission and/or transfer case. 在变速箱和/或分动器里的通风孔堵塞
2. Lubricant level too high in transmission and/or transfer case. 在变速箱和/或分动器里的润滑液面太高
3. Improper lubricant or viscosity. 润滑液或粘度不符
4. Defective seals, worn bearings, and/or shaft. 密封圈故障,轴承和/或轴出现故障
5. Porous case area. 分动器有气孔
6. Transfer case-to-transmission bolts loose. 分动器和变速箱之间的螺母松动

Correction 解决方法
1. Open clogged breather vent.清理堵塞的通风孔
2. Drain lubricant to the correct level. 放泄润滑液到正确的高度
3. Drain and fill with proper lubricant. 放尽润滑液并注满适当的润滑液
4. Replace worn parts as needed. 根据需要,更换磨损的部件
5. Clean and repair area per manufacturer’s instructions. 清洁并按照制造商的指示进行修理
6. Tighten. Replace seal if necessary. Check lubricant level. 上紧.如有需要更换密封圈.检查润滑液的高度

Problem: Vehicle wanders when driving straight adead 车辆在直行时飘移
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Improperly matched tire size. 轮胎的尺寸不配合
2. Uneven tire pressure. 胎压不平均

Correction 解决方法
1. Use a matched set of tires. 使用相同尺寸的轮胎
2. Adjust air pressure to recommended level. 调整胎压到推荐的压力
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Rear Axle Problem Diagnosis 后车桥问题诊断

Problem: Noise during straight-ahead driving 直行时有噪音
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Insufficient lubricant. 润滑液不足
2. Improper lubricant. 润滑液不适合
3. Differential case bearings worn. 分动器轴承磨损
4. Drive pinion shaft bearings worn. 主动小齿轮轴承磨损
5. Ring and pinion worn. 主动小齿轮和盆形齿轮磨损
6. Excessive backlash. 齿隙过大
7. Insufficient backlash. 齿隙不足
8. Excessive ring and pinion backlash. 主动小齿轮和盆形齿轮的齿隙过大
9. Insufficient ring and pinion backlash. 主动小齿轮和盆形齿轮的齿隙不足
10.Pinion shaft or differential case bearings not preloaded. 行星齿轮轴或差速器壳轴承没有预加载
11.Excessive ring gear runout. 盆形齿轮偏心率过大
12.Ring gear fasteners loose. 盆形齿轮紧固件松动
13.Ring and pinion not matched. 主动小齿轮和盆形齿轮不配合
14.Differential case bearing cap fasteners loose. 差速器壳轴承盖的紧固件松动
15.Warped housing. 箱体变形
16.Pinion shaft companion flange retaining nut loose. 行星齿轮轴的联接传动轴和动力传动装置轴的法兰紧固螺母松动
17.Tooth (ring and pinion) contact pattern incorrect. (主动小齿轮和盆形齿轮之间的)牙齿接触模式不正确
18.Loose wheel. 车轮松动
19.wheel hub loose on tapered axle. 在锥形轮轴上的轮毂松动
20.Wheel hub key (on tapered axle) sheared. 轮毂锁(在锥形轮轴上)断裂
21.wheel (axle) bearing worn. 车轮(半轴)轴承磨损
22.Bent axle. 半轴弯曲
23.Wheel hub or axle keyway worn. 轮毂或半轴的键槽磨损
24.Dry pinion shaft seal. 行星齿轮轴密封圈干燥
25.Loose universal joint retainers. 万向节的定位器松动
26.Damaged universal joint. 万向节损坏
27.Worn or broken front-wheel drive front suspension parts. 前轮驱动的前悬挂部件磨损或断裂
28.Worn or broken transaxle unit. 变速驱动桥组件磨损或断裂

Correction 解决方法
1. Fill housing to correct level. 添加润滑液到正确的位置
2. Drain. Flush and fill with correct lubricant. 放尽润滑液.清洗并添加正确的润滑液
3. Replace bearings. 更换轴承
4. Replace pinion bearings. 更换小齿轮轴承
5. Replace ring and pinion. 更换主动小齿轮和盆形齿轮
6. Adjust backlash. 调节齿隙
7. Adjust backlash. 调节齿隙
8. Adjust backlash. 调节齿隙
9. Adjust backlash. 调节齿隙
10.Preload as specified by the manufacturer. 根据制造商的规定进行预加载
11.Remove ring, clean, and check flange runout. Reinstall and check runout. Replace ring or case as needed. 移开盆形齿轮,清洁并检查法兰的偏心率.根据需要,更换盆形齿轮或外壳
12.Torque fasteners. 给紧固件上扭矩
13.Install a matched ring and pinion set. 安装相应的主动小齿轮和盆形齿轮套件
14.Torque fasteners. 给紧固件上扭矩
15.Replace housing. 更换壳体
16.Torque flange nut. 给法兰螺母上扭矩
17.Adjust as needed. 根据需要进行调整
18.Tighten wheel lugs. 上紧车轮平头螺栓
19.Inspect, if not damaged, torque retaining nut. 检查,如果没有损坏,给固定螺母上扭矩
20.Install new key. 安装新的轮毂锁
21.Replace axle bearing and seal. 更换半轴轴承和密封圈
22.Replace axle. 更换半轴
23.Replace axle or hub as needed. 根据需要更换半轴或轮毂
24.Replace pinion shaft seal. 更换行星齿轮轴的密封圈
25.Tighten universal joint retainers. 上紧万向节的定位器
26.Replace universal joint. 更换万向节
27.Repair or replace as necessary. 根据需要,进行修理或更换
28.Repair or replace as needed. 根据需要,进行修理或更换

Problem: Noise when rounding a curve 当进行弧线驾驶时,有噪音
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Differential pinion gears worn or broken. 差速器行星齿轮磨损或断裂
2. Differential pinion shaft worn. 差速器行星齿轮轴磨损
3. Axle side gears worn or broken. 半轴齿轮磨损或断裂
4. Excessive axle side gear or pinion gear end play. 半轴齿轮或行星齿轮的轴向间隙过大
5. Excessive axle end play. 半轴的轴向间隙过大
6. Improper type of lubricant. 润滑液的种类不当
7. Loose or broken suspension parts (front-wheel drive). 悬挂系统部件松动或断裂(前轮驱动)
8. Loose or broken universal joints. 万向节松动或断裂

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace gears. 更换行星齿轮
2. Replace pinion shaft. 更换行星齿轮轴
3. Replace side gears.更换半轴齿轮
4. Install new thrust washers or replace case and/or gears.安装新的止动垫圈或更换桥壳及/或齿轮
5. Adjust end play. 调整轴向间隙
6. Drain. Flush and fill with correct lubricant. 放尽润滑液.清洗并添加正确的润滑液
7. Repair or replace parts as needed. 根据修理或更换部件
8. Tighten or replace universal joints. 上紧或更换万向节

Problem: Clunking sound when engaging clutch, accelerating, or decelerating 当使用离合器,加速或减速时,发出噔的声音(象硬物落地的声音)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Excessive ring and pinion backlash.  主动小齿轮和盆形齿轮的齿隙过大
2. Excessive end play in pinion shaft. 行星齿轮轴的轴向间隙过大
3. Axle side gears and pinions worn. 半轴齿轮和行星齿轮磨损
4. Differential bearings worn. 差速器轴承磨损
5. Side gear thrust washers worn. 半轴齿轮的止推垫圈磨损
6. Differential pinion shaft loose in case or pinions. 壳体或行星齿轮内的差速器行星齿轮轴松动
7. Axle shaft splines worn. 半轴花键磨损
8. Wheel hub or axle keyway worn. 轮毂或半轴键槽磨损 
9. Loose wheel or hub. 车轮或轮毂松动
10.Loose or broken universal joints. 万向节松动或断裂

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust backlash. 调整齿隙
2. Preload bearings. 给轴承进行预加载
3. Replace worn gears. 更换磨损的轴承
4. Replace bearings. 更换轴承
5. Replace thrust washers. 更换止推垫圈
6. Replace pinion shaft, gears, or differential case. 更换行星齿轮轴,轴承或差速器壳
7. Replace axle. 更换半轴
8. Replace hub or axle. 更换轮毂或半轴
9. Tighten fasteners. 上紧紧固件
10.Tighten or replace universal joints. 上紧或更换万向节

Problem: Axle leaking lubricant 半轴的润滑液渗漏
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Breather clogged. 通风孔堵塞
2. Worn seals. 密封圈(油封)磨损
3. Carrier-to-housing or inspection cover loose. 承重构件至壳体或检查孔盖松动
4. Carrier or inspection cover loose. 承重构件或检查孔盖松动
5. Lubricant level too high. 润滑液面太高
6. Wrong type of lubricant. 润滑液种类错误
7. Porous housing (standard and transaxle). 壳体渗漏(标准和变速驱动桥)
8. Stripped fill plug threads. 加注螺塞的螺纹断缺
9. Cracked housing (standard and transaxle). 壳体破裂(标准及变速驱动桥)

Correction 解决方法
1. Open breather. 打开通风孔
2. Install new seals. 安装新的密封圈
3. Tighten fasteners. 上紧紧固件
4. Install new gasket or sealer. 安装新的密封垫或密封圈
5. Drain lubricant to proper level. 放泄润滑液到适当的高度
6. Drain. Flush and install correct lubricant. 放泄.清洗并添加正确的润滑液
7. Repair or replace housing.修理或更换壳体
8. Repair or replace as needed.根据需要,修理或更换
9. Repair or replace housing. 修理或更换壳体

Problem: Noises that may be confused with drive axle assembly 可能会和驱动桥总成混淆的噪音
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Low air pressure in tires. 胎压太低
2. Road surface. 路面
3. Transmission. 变速器
4. Bent propeller shaft. 传动轴弯曲
5. Loose U-joints. 万向节松动
6. Engine. 发动机
7. Front wheel bearings. 前车轮轴承
8. Tire tread. 轮胎花纹
9. Dragging brakes. 制动器拖滞
10.Excessive front wheel end play. 前轮轴向间隙过大

Correction 解决方法
1. Inflate tires to proper pressure. 充气到适当的压力
2. Test on several different road surfaces. 在几个不同的路面上测试
3. Check transmission. 检查变速器
4. Replace shaft. 更换传动轴
5. Tighten or replace U-joints. 上紧或更换万向节
6. Check engine. 检查发动机
7. Replace bearings. 更换轴承
8. Inflate temporarily to 50 psi (34.5 kPa) for road test only.暂时充气到50 psi (34.5 kPa)仅作路面测试之用
9. Adjust brakes. 调整制动器
10.Adjust wheel bearings. 条整车轮轴承

Problem: Rear axle overheating 后车桥过热
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Wrong type of lubricant. 润滑液种类错误
2. Insufficient lubricant. 润滑液不足
3. Overloading (pulling heavy trailer). 超载(拽拉太重的拖车)
4. Gears worn. 齿轮磨损
5. Bearing preload too great. 轴承的预加载太大
6. Insufficient backlash between ring and pinion.  主动小齿轮和盆形齿轮的齿隙不足

Correction 解决方法
1. Drain, flush, and fill with correct lubricant. 放泄,清洗,并添加正确的润滑液
2. Fill lubricant to proper level. 添加润滑液到适当的高度
3. Reduce vehicle load. Advise driver. 减少车辆的载重量.提醒司机
4. Replace gears. 更换齿轮
5. Adjust preload as specified. 根据规格调整预加载
6. Adjust backlash. 调整齿隙
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Automatic Transmission and Transaxle Diagnosis 自动变速器和变速驱动桥的诊断

Problem: Fluid leaks 变速器油渗漏
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Defective gaskets or seals. 密封垫或密封圈损坏
2. Loose bolts. 螺丝松动
3. Porous or cracked case. 壳体渗漏或破裂
4. Leaking vacuum modulator diaphragm. 真空调节器的隔膜渗漏
5. Overfilled transmission. 变速器油过满

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace defective parts. 更换损坏的部件
2. Tighten bolts. 上紧螺丝
3. Repair or replace case. 修理或更换壳体
4. Replace vacuum modulator. 更换真空调节器
5. Reduce fluid level. 减少变速器油的高度

Problem: Slipping in gear 档位滑动
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Low fluid level. 变速器油高度太低
2. Clogged filter. 过滤器堵塞
3. Stuck valve. 阀门粘合
4. Burned holding members. 同步构件烧毁
5. Misadjusted bands (when used). 卡箍调整错误(当使用时)
6. Internal leaks. 内部渗漏

Correction 解决方法
1. Add fluid and check for leaks. 添加变速器油并检查渗漏
2. Replace filter. 更换过滤器
3. Remove valve body and free sticky valves. 拆掉阀体并使粘合的阀门可以自由活动
4. Disassemble transmission, replace burned holding members. 拆卸变速器,更换烧毁的同步构件
5. Adjust bands, recheck operation. 调整卡箍,重新检查操作
6. Disassemble transmission and correct leaks. 拆卸变速器并修正渗漏处

Problem: No up or downshifts 不能上下换档
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Linkage misadjusted. 连杆系调整错误
2. Governor stuck. 油压调节器堵塞
3. Stuck valves. 阀门粘合
4. Defective or disconnected vacuum modulator (when used). 真空调节器损坏或截断(当使用时)
5. Internal leaks. 内部渗漏
6. Computer control system problem. 电※※制系统问题

Correction 解决方法
1. Readjust linkage. 重新调整连杆系
2. Remove and free sticky governor or replace. 拆卸并使油压调节器自由活动或更换
3. Remove valve body and free sticky valves. 移去阀体并使粘合的阀门可以自由活动
4. Replace modulator, check vacuum lines. 更换真空调节器,检查真空管路
5. Disassemble transmission and correct leaks. 拆卸变速器并修理渗漏处
6. Test and correct system. 测试并修正系统

Problem: Noises 噪音
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Clogged filter. 过滤器堵塞
2. Pump or torque converter defective. 油泵或液力变矩器故障
3. Defective gears. 档位故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace filter. 更换过滤器
2. Replace pump or torque converter. 更换油泵或液力变矩器
3. Replace gears. 更换档位
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Clutch Problem Diagnosis 离合器问题诊断

Problem: Clutch slips 离合器打滑
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Insufficient pedal free travel.离合器踏板的自由行程不足
2. Disc facing soaked with oil or grease. 离合器摩擦衬片被油或润滑脂弄湿了
3. Broken or weak pressure plate spring or springs. 离合器压盘的一个或几个弹簧断裂或变弱
4. Clutch disc facing worn. 离合器摩擦衬片磨损
5. Hydraulic or mechanical linkage sticking. 液压或机械杆系粘合

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust free travel. 调整自由行程
2. Clean clutch and pressure plate, replace disc. Correct source of oil contamination. 清洁离合器和压盘,更换从动盘。修理油污的源头
3. Rebuild or replace pressure plate. 大修或更换压盘
4. Replace clutch disc. 更换离合器从动盘
5. Clean, align, and lubricate where needed. 清洁,校直并润滑有关地方

Problem: Clutch chatters and/or grabs 离合器震颤并/或结合发抖
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Clutch disc facing oil or grease soaked. 离合器摩擦衬片被油或油脂弄湿了
2. Burned clutch disc facing. 离合器摩擦衬片被烧焦
3. Warped or worn clutch disc. 离合器从动盘变形或磨损
4. Pressure plate warped. 压盘变形
5. Pressure plate or flywheel surface scored. 压盘或飞轮表面被滑伤
6. Pressure plate fingers bind. 压盘分离指粘合
7. Clutch housing-to-transmission surface out of alignment with crankshaft centerline. 离合器壳到变速器表面和曲轴中心线不成直线
8. Sticking linkage. 杆系粘合
9. Pilot bearing worn. 导向轴承磨损
10.Pressure plate release fingers improperly adjusted. 压盘分离指调节不当
11.Engine mounts loose or worn. 发动机紧固件松动或磨损
12.Transmission loose. 变速器松动
13.Rear spring shackles or axle housing control arms loose. 后钢板弹簧吊耳或车桥壳控制臂松动
14.Worn splines or transmission input shaft. 花键或变速器输入轴磨损
15.Faulty throwout bearing. 分离轴承故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace clutch disc. Correct source of leak. 更换离合器从动盘。修理漏油处
2. Replace clutch disc. 更换离合器从动盘
3. Replace clutch disc. 更换离合器从动盘
4. Grind or replace. 研磨或更换
5. Grind or replace. 研磨或更换
6. Free fingers. 使分离指分开
7. Align or replace housing. 矫正或更换离合器壳
8. Free linkage. 使杆系分开
9. Install new pilot bearing. 安装新的导向轴承
10.Adjust fingers. 调整分离指
11.Tighten or replace mounts. 上紧或更换紧固件
12.Tighten fasteners. 上紧紧固件
13.Tighten shackles or replace control arm insulators. 上紧吊耳或更换控制臂隔振垫
14.Repalce shaft. 更换输入轴
15.Replace throwout bearing. 更换分离轴承

Problem: Clutch will not release properly 离合器不能正确地分离
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Excessive pedal free travel. 离合器踏板自由行程过长
2. Warped clutch disc. 离合器从动盘变形
3. Clutch facing torn loose and folded over. 离合器摩擦衬片松动并折叠
4. Warped pressure plate. 压盘变形
5. Clutch housing misaligned. 离合器壳失准
6. Clutch disc hub binding on transmission input shaft. 离合器从动盘轮毂粘合在变速器的输入轴上
7. Pilot bearing worn. 导向轴承磨损
8. Faulty throwout bearing. 分离轴承故障
9. Throwout fork off pivot. 分离叉脱离了支点
10.Clutch disc is frozen (corroded) to flywheel and pressure plate. 离合器从动盘粘着(被腐蚀)在飞轮和压盘上
11.Excessive idle speed. 怠速过长

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust pedal travel. 调整踏板行程
2. Replace clutch disc. 更换离合器从动盘
3. Replace clutch disc. 更换离合器从动盘
4. Grind or replace. 研磨或更换
5. Align housing. 矫正壳体
6. Free hub. 松开从动盘轮毂
7. Replace pilot bearing. 更换导向轴承
8. Replace throwout bearing. 更换分离轴承
9. Install fork properly. 正确安装分离叉
10.Replace disc and clean flywheel and pressure plate. 更换从动盘并清洁飞轮和压盘
11.Adjust idle speed. 调整怠速

Problem: Clutch is noisy when pedal is depressed – engine running 当踩下踏板时,离合器有噪音 ―― 发动机转动时
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Dry or worn throwout bearing. 分离轴承干燥或磨损
2. Worn pilot bearing. 导向轴承磨损
3. Excessive total pedal travel. 总的踏板行程过长
4. Throwout fork off pivot. 分离叉脱离了支点
5. Clutch housing misaligned. 离合器壳体失准
6. Crankshaft endplay excessive. 曲轴的轴向间隙过大

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace bearing. 更换轴承
2. Replace pilot. 更换导向轴承
3. Adjust pedal travel. 调节踏板行程
4. Install fork correctly. 正确安装分离叉
5. Align housing. 矫正壳体
6. Correct endplay. 矫正轴向间隙

Problem: Clutch is noisy when pedal is depressed – engine not running 当踩下踏板时,离合器有噪音 ―― 发动机没有运转
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Dry, sticking linkage. 连杆干燥,粘合
2. Dry or scored throwout bearing sleeve. 分离轴承的衬套干燥或有划痕
3. Pressure plate drive lugs rubbing clutch cover. 压盘的驱动轮毂摩擦离合器盖

Correction 解决方法
1. Lubricate and align linkage. 润滑并矫正连杆
2. Lubricate or replace. 润滑或更换
3. Lubricate with high temperature grease. 用高温油脂进行润滑

Problem: Clutch noisy when pedal is fully released – engine running 当全部踩下踏板时,离合器有噪音 ―― 发动机运转
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Insufficient pedal free travel. 踏板的自由行程不足
2. Clutch disc worn. 离合器从动盘磨损
3. Clutch disc spring broken. 离合器从动盘弹簧断裂
4. Clutch housing misaligned. 离合器壳体失准
5. Worn clutch disc hub splines. 离合器从动盘的轮毂花键磨损
6. Worn input shaft splines. 输入轴花键磨损
7. Sprung input shaft. 输入轴弯曲
8. Input shaft transmission bearing worn. 输入轴的变速器轴承磨损

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust free travel. 调整自由行程
2. Replace clutch disc. 更换离合器从动盘
3. Replace clutch disc. 更换离合器从动盘
4. Align housing. 矫正壳体
5. Replace clutch disc. 更换离合器从动盘
6. Replace input shaft. 更换输入轴
7. Replace input shaft. 更换输入轴
8. Replace transmission bearing. 更换变速器轴承

Problem: Excessive pedal pressure 踏板压力过大
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Linkage needs lubrication. 连杆需要润滑
2. Pressure plate release fingers binding. 压盘分离指粘着
3. Linkage misaligned. 连杆失准
4. Throwout bearing sleeve binding on transmission bearing retainer. 分离轴承衬套粘合在变速器轴承保持架上
5. Sticking linkage in master or slave cylinder. 主缸或分缸里的连杆粘合

Correction 解决方法
1. Lubricate. 润滑
2. Free and lubricate. 分开并润滑
3. Align linkage. 矫正连杆
4. Free and lubricate retainer. 分开并润滑保持架
5. Clean or replace as needed. 清洁或根据需要更换

Problem: Rapid clutch disc wear 离合器从动盘磨损过快
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Insufficient pedal free travel. 踏板的自由行程不足
2. Scored flywheel or pressure place. 飞轮或压盘划伤
3. Driver “rides” the clutch (rests foot on clutch while driving). 司机“踩着”离合器(驾驶时,把脚一直放在离合器上)
4. Driver races engine and slips clutch excessively during starting. 在启动时,司机高速运转发动机并过度打滑离合器
5. Driver holds vehicle on hill by slipping clutch. 司机用打滑的离合器在上坡时控制车辆
6. Weak pressure plate springs. 压盘弹簧太弱

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust free travel. 调整自由行程
2. Resurface or replace. 修磨表面或更换
3. Advise driver. 提醒司机
4. Advise driver. 提醒司机
5. Advise driver. 提醒司机
6. Rebuild or replace pressure plate assembly. 大修或更换压盘总成
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Manual and Power Steering System Diagnosis 机械和动力转向系统诊断

Problem: Hard steering and poor recovery following turns 转向沉重及转向后复原不良
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Tire pressure low. 胎压过低
2. Power steering pump defective. 动力转向泵损坏
3. Power steering pump fluid level low. 动力转向油泵里液面太低
4. Manual steering gear lubricant level low. 机械转向齿轮润滑液面太低
5. Incorrect front wheel alignment. 前轮定位错误
6. Ball joints dry. 球形接头干燥
7. Steering linkage sockets dry. 转向传动球头干燥
8. Linkage binding. 传动杆粘合
9. Damaged suspension arms. 悬架臂损坏
10.Steering gear adjusted to tight. 转向齿轮被调整的太紧
11.Steering shaft bushing dry. 转向轴套干燥
12.Steering shaft bushing or coupling binding. 转向轴套或连接器粘合
13.Excessive caster. 主销后倾角过大
14.Sagged front springs. 前钢板弹簧下垂
15.Bent spindle body. 主轴体弯曲
16.Steering wheel rubbing steering column jacket. 方向盘摩擦转向管柱保护罩
17.Steering gear misaligned. 转向齿轮调整不当
18.Sticky valve spool. 滑阀粘合
19.Steering pump belt loose. 转向油泵皮带松动
20.Power steering hose kinked or clogged. 动力转向软管扭结或堵塞
21.Different size front tires. 前轮的尺寸不同
22.Malfunctioning steering gear pressure port poppet valve. 转向轴压力管的提升阀门故障
23.Rack-and-pinion adjusted incorrectly. 齿轮齿条调整不当
24.High internal leakage of rack-and-pinion assembly. 齿轮齿条总成内部渗漏严重
25.Rack-and-pinion mountings loose, causing binding. 齿轮齿条式转向机构安装架松动,造成粘合
26.Defective steering stabilizer. 转向稳定器故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Inflate to correct pressure. 充气至正确的气压
2. Repair or replace pump. 修理或更换油泵
3. Add fluid to reservoir. 在储存容器里添加转向液
4. Add lubricant. 添加润滑剂
5. Align front wheels. 调整定位前轮
6. Lubricate ball joints. 润滑球形接头
7. Lubricate linkage. 润滑转向传动球头
8. Relieve binding. 消除粘合物
9. Replace arms. 更换悬架臂
10.Adjust gear correctly. 正确调整齿轮
11.Lubricate bushings. 润滑轴套
12.Align shaft or coupling. 定位转向轴或连接器
13.Adjust caster. 调整主销后倾角
14.Replace springs. 更换弹簧
15.Replace spindle. 更换主轴
16.Adjust jacket, check for steering shaft damage. 调整保护套,检查转向轴是否损坏
17.Align gear. 定位齿轮
18.Clean or replace spool valve. 清洁或更换滑阀
19.Adjust belt tension. 调整皮带的张力
20.Replace hose. 更换软管
21.Install correct size tires on both sides. 在两边安装正确尺寸的轮胎
22.Repair or replace. 修理或更换
23.Adjust to specifications. 调整到规定范围
24.Repair leaks or replace gear. 修理渗漏处或更换齿轮
25.Tighten mountings to specifications. 把安装架上紧到规定的程度
26.Replace stabilizer. 更换稳定器

Problem: Vehicle pulls to one side 车辆偏向一边
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Uneven tire pressure. 不平衡的胎压
2. Brakes dragging. 刹车拖滞
3. Improper front end alignment. 不适当的前桥定位
4. Wheel bearings improperly adjusted. 车轮轴承调整不合适
5. Damaged or worn steering valve assembly. 转向阀总成损坏或磨损
6. Tire sizes not uniform. 车胎尺寸不一致
7. Broken or sagged spring. 弹簧断裂或垂弛
8. Rear axle housing misaligned. 后桥壳定位不当
9. Bent spindle. 转向节弯曲
10.Frame sprung. 车架断裂
11.Radial tire problem. 子午线轮胎出现问题

Correction 解决方法
1. Equalize pressure. 使胎压均衡
2. Adjust brakes. 调整致动器
3. Align front end. 定位前桥
4. Adjust bearings. 调整轴承
5. Replace steering valve assembly 更换转向阀总成
6. Install tires of the same size. 安装同样尺寸的轮胎
7. Replace spring. 更换弹簧
8. Align rear housing. 调整后桥壳
9. Replace spindle. 更换转向节
10.Straighten frame. 拉直车架
11.Switch front tires. If vehicle now pulls in the other direction, tires are defective. 调换前面的轮胎。如果现在车辆偏向另一边,车轮已经损坏

Problem: Vehicle wanders from side-to-side 车辆左右漂移
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Weak shock absorber or strut. 软弱的减振器或滑柱
2. Loose steering gear. 转向器松动
3. Loose rack-and-pinion mountings. 齿轮-齿条传动装置安装松动
4. Ball joints and steering linkage need lubrication. 球节和转向杆系需要润滑
5. Steering gear not on high point. 转向器不在最高点
6. Broken or missing stabilizer or link. 稳定杆或杆系断裂
7. Rack-and-pinion improperly adjusted. 齿轮-齿条传动装置调整不当
8. Tie rod loose. 横拉杆松动

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace shocks or struts. 更换减振器或滑柱
2. Torque mounting fasteners. 扭矩上紧按装架
3. Tighten to specification. 上紧到规定的范围
4. Lubricate suspension. 润滑悬架
5. Adjust steering gear properly. 适当调整转向器
6. Replace stabilizer or link. 更换稳定杆或连接杆系
7. Adjust to specifications. 调整之技术要求
8. Tighten. Replace if worn. 上紧。如果磨损就换调。

Problem: Sudden increase in steering wheel resistance 转向盘的阻力突然增加
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Pump belt slipping. 转向泵的皮带滑动
2. Internal leakage in gear. 转向齿轮内部渗漏
3. Fluid level low in pump. 转向泵内的转向液水平偏低
4. Engine idle too slow. 引擎怠速太低
5. Air in system. 系统内有空气
6. Low tire air pressure. 胎压太低
7. Insufficient pump pressure. 转向泵压力不足
8. High internal leakage in rack-and-pinion. 齿轮-齿条转向器内部渗漏
9. Defective steering stabilizer. 转向稳定器故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust belt tension. 调整皮带的松紧度
2. Overhaul or replace gear. 大修或更换转向齿轮
3. Add fluid. 添加转向液
4. adjust idle. 调整怠速
5. Bleed system. 给转向系统放气
6. Inflate to recommended level. 把车胎充气到推荐的水平
7. Test and repair or replace gear. 测试并修理或更换转向齿轮
8. Repair leaks or replace gear. 修理渗漏处或更换齿轮
9. Replace stabilizer. 更换稳定器

Problem: Steering wheel action jerky during parking 泊车时转向盘振动
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Loose pump belt. 转向泵的皮带松动
2. Oily pump belt. 转向泵皮带有油
3. Defective flow control valve. 流量控制阀出现故障
4. Insufficient pump pressure. 转向泵压力不足

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust belt tension. 调整皮带的松紧度
2. Replace belt. Clean pulleys. Repair source of leak. 更换皮带。清洁带轮。修理渗漏处
3. Replace flow control valve. 更换流量控制阀
4. Test and repair. 测试并修理

Problem: No effort required to turn wheel 转动转向盘时不需要用力
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Steering gear torsion bar broken. 转向齿轮扭杆断裂
2. Broken tilt column U-joint. 汽车转向盘的斜柱万向节断裂
3. Steering wheel hub-to-shaft key missing. Splines stripped. Loose nut. 转向盘轴套到转向轴的销拴丢失。花键磨损。螺母松动

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace spool valve and shaft assembly. 更换滑阀和传动轴总成
2. Replace U-joint. 更换万向节
3. Replace key, shaft, or wheel. Tighten nut to specifications. 更换销栓,转向轴,或转向盘。上紧螺母至规定范围

Problem: Excessive wheel kickback and play 转向盘的怠速回摆和间隙过大
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Steering linkage worn. 转向杆系磨损
2. Air in system. 转向系统内有空气
3. Front wheel bearings improperly adjusted. 前轮毂轴承调整不当
4. Gear over-center adjustment loose. 转向轴承处在中间位置时的调整松动
5. Worm gear not preloaded. 蜗轮机构没有进行预加荷载
6. No worm-to-rack-piston preload. 蜗轮到齿条活塞没有预加荷载
7. Loose pitman arm. 转向摇臂松动
8. Loose steering gear. 转向器松动
9. Steering arms loose on spindle body. 转向轴体上的转向臂松动
10.Excessive play in ball joints. 球头的间隙过大
11.Defective rotary valve. 回转阀出现故障
12.Worn steering shaft universal joint. 转向轴的万向节磨损
13.Extra large tires. 车胎太大
14.Defective steering stabilizer. 转向稳定器出现故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace worn linkage components. 更换磨损的杆系组件
2. Bleed and add fluid if needed. 对转向系统进行发气,如果需要,添加转向液
3. Adjust front wheel bearings. 调整前轮毂轴承
4. Make correct over-center adjustment. 纠正到正确处在中间位置时的调整
5. Preload worm gear. 给蜗轮进行预加荷载
6. Install larger set of rack piston balls. 安装更大的齿条活塞循环球
7. Torque pitman arm nut. 给转向臂上扭矩
8. Tighten mounting fasteners. 上紧安装紧固件
9. Tighten arm fasteners. 上紧转向臂紧固件
10.Replace ball joints. 更换球头
11.Replace rotary valve. 更换回转阀
12.Replace joint and/or shaft. 更换万向节和/或转向轴
13.Advise owner. Install a steering stabilizer or replace with a larger stabilizer. 提醒车主。安装转向稳定器或更换一套更大的稳定器
14.Replace stabilizer. 更换稳定器

Problem: No power assist in one direction 有一边没有动力辅助
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Defective steering gear. 转向齿轮出现故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Overhaul or replace gear as needed. 大修或如有需要,更换齿轮

Problem: Steering pump pressure low 转向泵压力太低
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Pump belt loose. 转向泵皮带松动
2. Belt oily. 皮带上有油
3. Pump parts worn. 转向泵部件磨损
4. Relief valve springs defective or stuck open. 减压阀弹簧故障或不能关闭
5. Low fluid level in reservoir. 储液罐里的液体面太低
6. Air in system. 系统内有空气
7. Defective hose. 软管有故障
8. Flow control valve stuck open. 流量控制阀不能关闭
9. Pressure plate not seated against cam ring. 压板没有坐在定子上
10.Scored pressure plate, thrust plate, or rotor. 压板,止推板或转子有划痕
11.Vanes incorrectly installed. 叶片安装不正确
12.Vanes sticking in rotor. 叶片在转子里卡住了
13.Worn or damaged O-ring. O型密封圈磨损或损坏

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust belt. 调整皮带
2. Clean pulleys. Replace belt. Correct source of leak. 清洁带轮。更换皮带。修正渗漏的位置
3. Overhaul pump. 大修转向泵
4. Repair or replace as needed. 根据需要进行修理或更换
5. Add fluid. 添加转向液
6. Correct source of leak. Bleed system. 修补渗漏位置。给系统放气
7. Replace hose. 更换软管
8. Clean or replace valve. 清洁或更换流量控制阀
9. Repair or replace cam ring and pressure plate. 修理或更换定子和压板
10.Replace damaged parts and flush plate. 更换损坏的部件并冲洗压板
11.Install vanes correctly. 正确安装叶片
12.Free vanes. Clean thoroughly. 分离叶片并完全清洗
13.Replace O-rings. 更换O型密封圈

Problem: Steering pump noise 转向泵有噪音
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Air in system. 系统内有空气
2. Loose pump pulley. 转向泵带轮松动
3. Loose belt. 皮带松动
4. Glazed belt. 皮带太光滑
5. Hoses touching splash shield. 软管结触到挡泥板
6. Low fluid level. 转向液面太低
7. Clogged or kinked hose. 软管堵塞或扭结
8. Scored pressure plate. 压板被划伤
9. Scored rotor. 转子被划伤
10.Vanes installed wrong. 叶片安装错误
11.Vance sticking in rotor. 叶片卡在转子里
12.Defective flow control valve. 流量控制阀出现故障
13.Loose pump. 转向泵松动
14.Reservoir vent plugged. 储液罐通风口被堵塞
15.Dirty fluid. 转向液被弄脏
16.Pump bearing worn. 转向泵轴承磨损
17.Chirp type noise. 啁啾声
18.Whine or growl. 啸(嘎嘎)声或隆隆声

Correction 解决方法
1. Correct leak and bleed system. 修理渗漏处并给系统放气
2. Tighten pulley. 上紧带轮
3. Tension belt correctly. 纠正皮带松紧度
4. Replace belt. 更换皮带
5. Reroute hose to prevent contact. 让软管改道以防止结触
6. Add fluid, check for leaks. 添加转向液,检查渗漏
7. Replace hose. 更换软管
8. Polish. Replace if badly scored. 抛光。如果划痕利害的话,换掉
9. Polish. Replace if badly scored. 抛光。如果划痕利害的话,换掉
10.Install vanes correctly. 正确安装叶片
11.Free vanes and clean thoroughly. 分离叶片并完全清洁
12.Replace flow control valve. 更换流量控制阀
13.Tighten pump mounting fasteners. 上紧转向泵安装紧固件
14.Clean vent. 清洁通风口
15.Drain, flush, and refill. 排液,冲洗并再填充
16.Overhaul as needed. 如需要就大修
17.Tighten loose belt. 上紧松掉的皮带
18.Low fluid. Fill to proper level. 液体太少。添加到合适的水平

Problem: Steering gear dull rattle or chuckle 转向器发出低沉的卡嗒声或咕咕声
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Gear loose on frame. 车架上的转向器松动
2. Loose over-center adjustment. 转向器处在中间位置时的调整松动
3. No worm shaft preload. 蜗杆轴没有预加载
4. Insufficient or improper lubricant (manual gear). 无效或不适当的润滑剂(手动变速)

Correction 解决方法
1. Tighten gear mounting fasteners. 上紧转向器的安装固件
2. Make correct over-center adjustment. 使处在中间位置时的调整正确
3. Adjust preload. 调整预加载
4. Fill with specified lubricant. 添加特殊润滑剂

Problem: Hissing sound in gear 转向器有丝丝声
Possible cause 可能的原因
1.Normal sound when turning wheel when vehicle is standing still or when holding wheel against stops. 当转动方向盘,当车辆静止,或当车辆停止握住方向盘时,有丝丝声属于正常情况
2. Gear loose. 转向器松动
3. Noisy pressure control valve. 压力控制阀有噪音
4. Intermediate shaft rubber plug missing. 转向器中间轴的橡皮塞丢失

Correction 解决方法
1. Normal condition, advise driver. 正常情况,提醒司机
2. Tighten mounting fasteners. 上紧安装固件
3. Replace valve. 更换阀门
4. Replace plug. 更换橡皮塞

Problem: Tire squeal on turns 车胎在转弯时发出啸声
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Excessive speed. 速度过快
2. Low air pressure. 胎压过低
3. Faulty wheel alignment. 车轮定位异常
4. Excessive load. 载重过大
5. Rack-and-pinion mounting loose. 齿轮齿条安装组件松动
Correction 解决方法
1. Advise driver. 提醒司机
2. Inflate to correct pressure. 给轮胎充气到正确的压力
3. Align wheels. 给车轮定位
4. Advise driver. 提醒司机
5. Tighten mountings to specifications. 上紧安装组件到规定的范围

Problem: External fluid leaks 外部液体渗漏
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Defective hose. 软管故障
2. Loose hose connections. 软管连接处松动
3. Cracked hose connections. 软管连接处破裂
4. Pitman shaft seal in gear defective. 转向摇臂轴的齿轮密封件损坏
5. Gear housing end cover O-ring seal leaking. 齿轮壳尾端盖的O型密封圈渗漏
6. Gear torsion bar seal leaking. 齿轮扭杆密封件渗漏
7. Adjuster plug seals leaking. 调节螺塞密封件渗漏
8. Side cover gasket. 侧盖密封垫损坏
9. Pump too full. 转向泵太满
10.Pump shaft seal defective. 转向泵轴密封件损坏
11.Scored shaft in pump. 转向泵轴被划伤
12.Oil leaking out of reservoir from air contamination. 油从蓄液罐渗漏出来
13.Pump assembly fasteners loose. 转向泵总成紧固件松动
14.Leaking power cylinder (linkage type). 转向动力缸渗漏(拉杆式)
15.Rack-and-pinion housing cracked. 齿轮齿条转向壳渗漏
16.Extreme cam ring wear. 定子磨损过度
17.Scored pressure plate, rotor, or thrust plate. 压力板,转子或止推板被划伤
18.Vanes incorrectly installed. 叶片安装错误
19.Reservoir cracked. 储液罐破裂
20.Pump reservoir cap leaking. 转向泵储液罐盖子渗漏
21.Defective rack-and-pinion stub shaft seal. 齿轮齿条法兰盘轴密封件损坏
22.Defective rack-and-pinion rotary valve. 齿轮齿条回转阀损坏
23.Pinion shaft seal leaking. 齿轮轴密封件渗漏
24.Rack-and-pinion bulkhead seal defective. 齿轮齿条隔板密封件损坏

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace hose. 更换软管
2. Tighten to proper torque. 上紧正确的扭矩
3. Replace hose. 更换软管
4. Replace seal. Check bearing for excessive wear. 更换密封件.检查轴承是否磨损过度
5. Replace seal. 更换密封件
6. Replace valve and shaft assembly. 更换阀门及传动轴总成
7. Replace seals. 更换密封件
8. Replace gasket. 更换密封垫
9. Reduce fluid level. 减少液体
10.Replace shaft seal. 更换转向轴密封件
11.Replace shaft. 更换转向泵轴
12.Correct source of air leak. 修理空气渗漏的源头
13.Torque fasteners. 扭矩紧固
14.Overhaul as needed. 如需要进行大修
15.Replace steering gear. 更换转向器
16.Replace parts. Flush system. 更换部件.冲洗系统
17.Replace parts. Flush system. 更换部件.冲洗系统
18.Install pump vanes properly. 正确安装转向泵的叶片
19.Replace reservoir. 更换储液罐
20.Repair or replace cap. 修理或更换盖子
21.Replace stub shaft seal. 更换法兰盘轴的密封件
22.Replace rotary valve. 更换回转轴
23.Replace shaft seal. 更换齿轮轴密封件
24.Replace seal. 更换密封件
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Cooling System Problem Diagnosis 冷却系统问题诊断

Problem: Overheating 过热
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Coolant level low. 冷却液液面过低
2. Drive belt loose. 传动带松动
3. Drive belt broken. 传动带断裂
4. Drive belt glazed or oil-soaked. 传动带表面光滑或被油浸湿
5. Thermostat stuck closed. 恒温器粘合关闭
6. Radiator pressure cap inoperative. 散热器压力盖失灵
7. Bugs, leaves, other debris on radiator core. 虫子,叶子,其它垃圾落在散热器芯子里
8. Rust scale clogging radiator. 水锈堵塞了散热器
9. Rust scale clogging in block. 水锈堵塞了缸体
10.Valve timing off. 配气正时偏离
11.Air leaks into system. 空气进入到系统里
12.Coolant hoses clogged. 冷却液软管堵塞
13.Coolant hose collapsed. 冷却液软管断裂
14.Low antifreeze boiling point. 防冻液沸点过低
15.Late ignition timing. 点火正时太迟
16.Leaking cylinder head gasket. 气缸盖密封垫渗漏
17.Water pump impeller slipping or broken. 水泵的叶轮打滑或断裂
18.Brakes dragging. 制动器拖滞
19.Vehicle overloaded. 车辆超载
20.Manifold heat valve stuck or broken. 进气歧管加热调节阀粘合或断裂
21.Fan speed slow – improper pulley size. 风扇速度太慢 -带轮尺寸不适合
22.Low engine oil level. 机油油面过低
23.Frozen coolant. 冷冻液凝固
24.Exhaust system back pressure. 排气系统有背压 
25.Lean carburetor mixture. 化油器的混合气太稀
26.Wrong cylinder head gasket. 气缸盖密封垫错误
27.Ignition timing retarded. 点火正时延迟
28.Defective electric fan motor or control. 电扇马达或控制出现故障
29.Defective spark delay valve. 点火延迟阀故障
30.Core sand in head or block. 气缸盖或缸体内有芯砂
31.Inoperative fan fluid coupling (fan clutch). 风扇的液力偶合器(风扇离合器)失灵
32.Aftermarket (add-on) air conditioner on vehicle equipped with a standard cooling system. 非原厂(后安装)的空调使用一个标准的冷却系统
33.Defective electric fan ambient temperature switch. 风扇的气温开关故障
34.Clogged catalytic converter(s). 催化转化器堵塞
35.Lean fuel mixture. 燃料空气混合气太稀
36.Inoperative electric fan. 风扇失灵

Correction 解决方法
1. Add coolant and check for leaks. 添加冷却液并检查渗漏
2. Adjust belt tension. 调整传动带的松紧度
3. Replace belt. 更换传动带
4. Replace belt. 更换传动带
5. Replace thermostat. 更换恒温器
6. Replace pressure cap. 更换压力盖
7. Flush with water from back to front. 用水从后至前进行清洗
8. Flush cooling system and install rust inhibitor. 清洗冷却系统并添加防锈剂
9. Flush radiator and install rust inhibitor. 清洗散热器并添加防锈剂
10.Reset valve timing. 重新设置配气正时
11.Pressure test and repair leaks. 进行压力测试并修理渗漏处
12.Replace hoses. 更换软管
13.Replace hose. 更换软管
14.Change antifreeze or thermostat. 更换防冻液或恒温器
15.Adjust timing. 调整正时
16.Replace gasket. Check block and head surfaces. 更换密封垫。检查缸体和缸盖的表面
17.Replace water pump. 更换水泵
18.Adjust brakes. 调整制动器
19.Advise driver. 提醒司机
20.Loosen or repair. 疏松或修理
21.Install larger diameter pulley. 安装更大尺寸的带轮
22.Add oil to full mark. 添加机油到满的位置
23.Thaw and add antifreeze. 融解后添加防冻液
24.Change muffler or open up dented pipe. 更换消音器或打通变形的管子
25.Clean carburetor. Install proper size jets. 清洁化油器。安装适当尺寸的量孔
26.Install correct head gasket. 安装正确的气缸盖密封垫
27.Advance ignition timing. 把点火正时提前
28.Replace as necessary. 根据需要进行修理
29.Replace valve. 更换阀门
30.clean or replace. 清洁或更换
31.Replace fan clutch. 更换风扇离合器
32.Install heavy-duty cooling system parts. 使用高负荷的冷却系统部件
33.Replace fan switch. 更换风扇开关
34.Replace catalytic converter(s). 更换催化转化器
35.Adjust fuel mixture. 调整燃料空气混合气的比例
36.Test and repair. 测试并修理

Problem: Overcooling and/or slow warmup 过冷并/或升温太慢
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Thermostat stuck open. 恒温器粘合不能关闭
2. Weather extremely cold. 天气极度寒冷
3. No thermostat. 没有恒温器
4. Low-temperature thermostat. 低温恒温器

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace thermostat. 更换恒温器
2. Cover a portion of the radiator. 把散热器的一部份盖起来
3. Install a thermostat. 安装一个恒温器
4. Install correct thermostat for engine. 为发动机安装正确的恒温器

Problem: Apparent overheating or overcooling 明显的过热或过冷
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Faulty temperature sender. 温度传感器有故障
2. Faulty temperature gauge. 温度表故障
3. Faulty gauge wiring. 温度表线路故障
4. Complete unit faulty (bulb type). 整个部件故障(灯泡型)
5. Improper fan size, type, or speed. 风扇的尺寸,类型或速度不适当

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace gauge sender. 更换传感器
2. Replace gauge. 更换温度表
3. Check and repair any breaks or loose connections. 检查并修理任何破裂或松动的连接处
4. Replace entire unit – gauge, tubing, and bulb. 更换整个部件 - 温度表,管路和灯泡
5. Replace with correct unit. 更换成正确的部件

Problem: Belt squeal upon acceleration 加速时皮带发出尖叫声
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Belt loose. 皮带松动
2. Belt glazed. 皮带变的光滑
3. Excessive friction in belt-driven accessory. 皮带传动附件之间的摩擦过大

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust belt tension. 调整皮带松紧度
2. Replace belt. 更换皮带
3. Repair defective unit. 修理故障部件

Problem: Belt squeal at idle 怠速时皮带发出尖叫声
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Belt loose. 皮带松动
2. Pulleys misaligned. 带轮错位
3. Uneven pulley groove. 带轮的沟槽不均匀
4. Foreign material on belt. 皮带上有杂物
5. Belt width not uniform. 皮带的宽度一致
6. Belt tensioner loose or broken. 带张紧器

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust belt tension. 调整皮带的松紧度
2. Align all pulleys. 矫正所有的带轮
3. Replace pulley. 更换带轮
4. Clean or replace belt. 清洁或更换皮带
5. Replace belt. 更换皮带
6. Tighten or replace. 上紧或更换

Problem: Belt jumps from pulley or rolls over in pulley groove 皮带从带轮中跳出或翻转过带轮的沟槽
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Belt loose. 皮带松动
2. Pulleys misaligned. 带轮错位
3. Broken cords (internal). 皮带的帘布(内部)断裂
4. Mismatched belts. 皮带不匹配
5. Eccentric pulley. 带轮偏心
6. Loose pulley. 带轮松动

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust belt tension. 调整皮带的松紧度
2. Align all pulleys. 矫正所有的带轮
3. Replace belt. 更换皮带
4. Install matched set of belts. 安装相配的皮带组
5. Replace. 更换
6. Tighten or replace. 上紧或更换

Problem: Noisy water pump 水泵有噪音
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Bearing worn and rough. 轴承磨损并凹凸不平
2. Seal noisy. 密封圈有噪音
3. Loose impeller. 叶片松动

Correction 解决方法
1. Repair or replace pump. 修理或更换水泵
2. Add inhibitor-water pump lube mixture to system. 在系统内添加抑制剂 - 水泵润滑剂的混合物
3. Rebuild or replace pump. 大修或更换水泵

Problem: Buzzing radiator cap 散热器盖发出嗡嗡声
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Coolant boiling. 冷却液沸腾

Correction 解决方法
1. Shut engine off and correct cause of overheating. 关掉发动机并改正过热的原因

Problem: Coolant loss 冷却液流失
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Leaking radiator. 散热器渗漏
2. Leaking hose. 软管渗漏
3. Cracked hose. 软管破裂
4. Overheating. 过热
5. Overfilling. 过满
6. Air leak at bottom hose. 在底部的软管有空气渗漏
7. Blown head gasket. 气缸盖密封垫不密封
8. Water pump seal leaking. 水泵密封圈渗漏
9. Heater core leaking. (暖风装置)散热器芯子渗漏
10.Cracked block or head. 发动机缸体或盖破裂
11.Radiator pressure cap inoperative. 散热器压力盖失灵
12.Leaking block freeze plugs. 气缸体的冰冻保护塞渗漏
13.Improper cylinder head tightening. 气缸盖的紧度不适当
14.Leak at temperature sender. 温度传感器处渗漏
15.Leaking surge tank. 稳压罐渗漏
16.Leak at fasteners that enter water jacket. 在进入到水套的紧固件处渗漏
17.Cracked water jacket or thermostat housing. 水套或恒温器外壳破裂
18.Damaged coolant recovery bottle. 冷却液补偿罐
19.Leaking petcock. 小旋塞渗漏

Correction 解决方法
1. Repair leak or replace radiator. 修理渗漏处或更换散热器
2. Tighten clamp or replace hose. 上紧夹紧箍或更换软管
3. Replace hose. 管换软管
4. Correct cause. 更正错误原因
5. Fill to correct level. 添加冷却液至正确位置
6. Tighten clamps or replace hose. 上紧夹紧箍或更换软管 
7. Replace gasket and check mating surfaces. 更换密封垫并检查吻合表面
8. Replace seal or entire pump. 更换密封圈或整个水泵
9. Replace heater core. 更换暖风装置散热器芯子
10.Repair or replace. 修理或更换
11.Repalce radiator cap. 更换散热器盖
12.Replace freeze plugs. 更换冷冻保护塞
13.Torque as recommended. 根据建议上紧扭矩
14.Tighten or replace sender. 上紧或更换传感器
15.Repair leak or replace tank. 修理渗漏处或更换稳压罐
16.Remove fasteners, seal, and reinstall. 拆下紧固件,密封圈并重新安装
17.Repair or replace. 修理或更换
18.Replace recovery bottle. 更换补偿罐
19.Tighten or replace petcock. 上紧或更换小旋塞
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Engine and Engine System Problem Diagnosis Charts 发动机和发动机系统问题诊断表

Problem: Low compression (发动机)低压缩比
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Worn or stuck piston rings. 活塞环磨损或粘合
2. Broken rings or pistons. 活塞环或活塞断裂
3. Bent connecting rod. 连杆弯曲
4. Incorrect connecting rods or pistons. 连杆或活塞不恰当
5. Blown head gasket. 气缸盖密封垫不密封
6. Cracked head or block. 气缸盖或缸体有裂缝
7. Valves burned or stuck, eccentric (out-of-round) seats. 气门烧焦或粘合,气门座偏心(失圆)
8. Broken timing chain or belt. 正时链或皮带断裂
9. Broken camshaft. 凸轮轴断裂
10.Incorrect valve timing. 配气正时不正确
11.Valves set too tight. 气门调节太紧

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace rings, clean piston oil drain holes. 更换活塞环,清洁活塞回油孔
2. Replace rings and pistons. 更换活塞环和活塞
3. Replace rod(s). 更换连杆
4. Install new rods or pistons. 安装新的连杆或活塞
5. Replace gasket, check for warped head/block. 更换密封垫,检查弯曲的气缸头/缸体
6. Replace head or block. 更换气缸盖或缸体
7. Replace valves, repair seats. 更换气门,修理气门座
8. Replace chain or belt. 更换正时链或皮带
9. Replace camshaft. 更换凸轮轴
10.Retime valve train. 重新设置配气机构
11.Adjust valves. 调整气门

Problem: Low oil pressure 油压过低
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Low oil level. 机油油面过低
2. Improper oil viscosity. 机油粘度不适合
3. Diluted oil. 机油过稀
4. Camshaft, main, or connecting rod bearings worn. 凸轮轴,主轴承或连杆轴承磨损
5. Crankshaft or camshaft journals worn. 曲轴或凸轮轴轴颈磨损
6. Oil pump worn. 油泵磨损
7. Pressure relief valve spring weak. 减压阀弹簧变弱
8. Oil pump intake clogged. 油泵吸入道堵塞
9. Hole in oil pickup pipe. 机油吸入管上有洞
10.Oil line connection leak. 油路连接处渗漏
11.Defective gauge (direct pressure type). 油表故障(直接压力式)
12.Defective sender or gauge (electric type). 传感器或油表故障(电子式)
13.Plugged oil filter. 机油滤清器堵塞
14.Improperly installed bypass oil filter. 旁通式机油滤清器安装不当
15.Low idle speed. 怠速过低
16.Oil galleys clogged. 润滑油道堵塞
17.Loose or missing oil galley plugs. 润滑油道的塞子松动或丢失

Correction 解决方法
1. Add oil. 添加机油
2. Use proper viscosity oil. 使用适合粘度的机油
3. Change oil, check for cause of dilution. 换油,检查过稀的原因
4. Install new bearings. 安装新的轴承
5. Grind journals. 研磨轴颈
6. Replace or rebuild oil pump. 更换或大修油泵
7. Replace spring or add washers. 更换弹簧或增加垫片
8. Clean screen and pipe; tighten connection. 清洁网面及管道;上紧连接处
9. Replace pipe. 更换管道
10.Tighten connection. 上紧连接处
11.Replace gauge. 更换油表
12.Replace sender or gauge. 更换传感器或油表
13.Replace filter and oil. 更换机油滤清器和机油
14.Install correctly. 正确安装
15.Set speed to specs. 根据规格设定速度
16.Clean out or replace block. 清洁或更换缸体
17.Tighten and/or install plugs. 上紧并/或安装塞子

Problem: Excessive oil pressure 油压过高
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Oil too viscous (heavy). 机油太粘(太重)
2. Pressure relief valve spring under too much tension. 减压阀弹簧的拉力太大
3. Pressure relief valve stuck. 减压阀粘住
4. Main oil line from pump clogged. 来自油泵的主※※道堵塞
5. Defective gauge (direct pressure type). 油表故障(直接压力式)
6. Defective sender or gauge (electric type). 传感器或油表故障(电子式)

Correction 解决方法
1. Change to lighter oil. 换成较稀的机油
2. Reduce spring pressure. 减少弹簧的压力
3. Clean valve. 清洁阀门
4. Clean line. 清洁管道
5. Replace gauge. 更换油表
6. Replace sender or gauge. 更换传感器或油表

Problem: Engine oil contamination 机油受到污染
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Blowby caused by worn piston rings. 由于活塞环磨损引起的漏气
2. Blowby – excessive piston or cylinder wear. 不密封 - 活塞或气缸磨损过大
3. Coolant entering oil – cracked block or head. 冷却液进到机油里 - 缸体或气缸盖破裂
4. Coolant entering oil – blown head gasket. 冷却液进到机油里 - 气缸盖密封垫不密封
5. Fuel entering oil – excessive choking (carburetor only). 燃油进到机油里 - 过度节流(只限化油器)
6. Fuel entering oil – float level too high (carburetor only). 燃油进到机油里 - 浮子平面太高(只限化油器)
7. Fuel entering oil – float valve leaks (carburetor only). 燃油进到机油里 - 浮子阀渗漏(只限化油器)
8. Fuel entering oil – fuel pump diaphragm cracked. 燃油进到机油里 - 燃油泵膜片破裂
9. Water entering oil – crankcase condensation. 水进到机油里 - 曲轴箱冷凝
10.Rapid formation of sludge. 很快形成油泥

Correction 解决方法
1. Install new rings. 安装新的活塞环
2. Rebore and install new pistons. 重新镗缸并安装新的活塞
3. Seal leak or replace part. Drain oil, flush, and refill. 密封渗漏处或更换部件。放尽机油,清洗并重新装满机油
4. Replace gasket. Check head and block surface for warpage. Drain oil, flush, and refill. 更换密封垫。检查气缸盖和缸体表面的弯曲处。放尽机油,清洗并重新装满机油
5. Adjust choke. 调整化油器喉管
6. Adjust float level. 调整浮子的平面
7. Replace float valve needle and seat. 更换浮子阀针和座
8. Replace diaphragm or pump. 更换膜片或燃油泵
9. Clean or replace PCV valve. 清洁或更换PCV阀
10.Clean or replace PCV valve; use detergent oil; raise engine operating temperature if too cold; check for missing thermostat, short trip driving. 清洁或更换PCV阀;使用洗涤用油;如果太冷,提升发动机的操作温度;检查恒温器是否丢失,并进行短距离的驾驶

Problem: No oil pressure 没有油压
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Oil level too low. 机油油面太低
2. Oil pump inoperative. 油泵失灵
3. Defective gauge (direct pressure type). 油表故障(直接压力式)
4. Defective sender or gauge (electric). 传感器或油表故障(电子式)
5. Wire between sender and gauge disconnected. 传感器和油表之间的电线断开
6. Pump intake screen or tube clogged. 油泵进油滤网或软管堵塞
7. Pressure relief valve stuck. 减压阀粘住
8. Line to sender or gauge clogged. 去到传感器或油表的管路堵塞

Correction 解决方法
1. Add oil. 添加机油
2. Repair or replace pump, check pump drive mechanism. 修理或更换油泵,检查油泵的传动装置
3. Replace gauge. 更换油表
4. Replace sender or gauge. 更换传感器或油表
5. Connect wire. 连接电线
6. Clean screen and tube. 清洁滤网和软管
7. Clean relief valve, check for free operation. 清洁减压阀,检查是否操作自由
8. Clean line. 清洁管路

Problem: Excessive oil consumption 机油损耗过高
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Oil too light. 机油太轻
2. Diluted oil. 机油过稀
3. Oil level too high. 油面太高
4. Worn or clogged rings. 活塞环磨损或堵塞
5. Excessive piston and cylinder wear. 活塞环和气缸之间的磨损过大
6. worn valve guides. 气门导管磨损
7. Worn valve stems. 气门杆磨损
8. Excessive speed. 驾驶速度过快
9. Cylinder torque distortion. 气缸的扭矩改变
10.Worn bearings – excess oil throw-off. 轴承磨损 - 太多的机油被甩出
11.Clogged PCV system. PCV系统堵塞
12.Excessive oil pressure. 油压过大
13.Engine running too hot. 发动机运行过热
14.Rear main seal leak. 曲轴后轴承的密封圈渗漏
15.Crankshaft front seal leak. 曲轴前轴承的密封圈渗漏
16.Pan gasket leak. 发动机底壳的密封垫渗漏
17.Valve cover gasket leak. 气门室盖的密封垫渗漏
18.Timing gear cover leak. 正时齿轮室盖渗漏
19.Fuel pump mounting flange loose. 燃油泵安装法兰松动
20.Oil filter cover leak. 机油滤清器盖渗漏
21.External line leak. 外部管路渗漏
22.Oil pan drain plug leak. 油底壳的放油塞渗漏
23.Oil gallery plug loose. 润滑油道塞松动
24.Oil gauge or sender leak. 油表或传感器渗漏
25.Rear camshaft plug leak. 后曲轴塞渗漏
26.Wrong oil ring design. 油环结构错误
27.Rings installed wrong. 活塞环安装错误
28.Glazed cylinder walls – rings will not seat. 光滑的气缸壁 - 活塞环将不能就座
29.External leaks. 外部渗漏
30.Piston(s) improperly installed. 活塞安装不当
31.Improper reading of dipstick. 量油尺的读数不正常
32.Damaged turbocharger seals. 涡轮增压器的密封圈损坏
33.Loose or broken turbocharger oil feed line(s). 涡轮增压器的供※※路松动或断裂
34.Leaking oil cooler. 机油冷却器渗漏

Correction 解决方法
1. Install heavier oil. 添加较重的机油
2. Change oil, refer to engine oil contamination chart. 更换机油,参考机油受到污染图表
3. Lower oil level. 降低机油油面
4. Install new rings. 安装新的活塞环
5. Rebore and install new pistons. 重新镗缸并安装新的活塞
6. Replace guides or ream to next oversize stem. 更换气门导管或用铰刀扩孔到可以安装下一个尺寸的气门杆
7. Replace valves. 更换气门
8. Advise driver to reduce speed. 提醒司机降低驾驶速度
9. Torque head fasteners correctly. 正确给气缸盖上扭矩
10.Replace bearings. 更换轴承
11.Clean PCV system. 清洁PCV系统
12.Reduce pressure. 减少压力
13.Reduce operating temperature. 降低操作温度
14.Replace seal. 更换密封圈
15.Replace seal. 更换密封圈
16.Replace gasket or tighten fasteners. 更换密封垫或上紧紧固件
17.Tighten fasteners or replace gasket. 上紧紧固件或更换密封垫
18.Tighten fasteners or replace gasket. 上紧紧固件或更换密封垫
19.Tighten fasteners. 上紧紧固件
20.Tighten cover or replace gasket. 上紧滤清器盖或更换密封垫
21.Repair or replace line. 修理或更换管路
22.Tighten or replace line. 上紧或更换管路
23.Tighten plug. 上紧塞子
24.Tighten or replace. 上紧或更换
25.Repalce plug. 更换塞子
26.Install correct rings. 正确安装活塞环
27.Install correctly. 正确安装活塞环
28.Hone walls; install new rings. 珩磨气缸壁;安装新的活塞环
29.Locate and repair. 确定位置并修理
30.Install correctly. 正确安装
31.Check with vehicle on level surface; allow sufficient drain-down time; check for possible incorrect dipstick. 让汽车在平面上进行检查;允许有足够的放泄时间;检查可能不正确的量油尺
32.Replace seals. 更换密封圈
33.Tighten or replace as necessary. 上紧或根据需要更换
34.Repair or replace. 修理或更换

Problem: Backfiring in intake manifold 进气歧管中有回火
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Intake valve not properly seating. 进气门的密封面不适当
2. Lean mixture. 混合气太稀
3. Cross-firing. 窜火
4. Plug wires installed wrong. 火花塞电缆安装错误
5. Carbon tracking in distributor cap. 分电器盖里有碳痕(分电器盖两绝缘接柱间跳火时,漏电电流通过时形成的碳化痕迹)
6. Choke not closing fully (carburetor only). 喉管不能完全关闭(只适用于化油器
7. Incorrect ignition timing. 点火正时不正确
8. Incorrect valve timing. 配气正时不正确

Correction 解决方法
1. Check for broken spring, valve clearance, sticking, seat condition. 检查断裂的弹簧,气门间隙,粘合,气门座情况
2. Adjust mixture when possible; check fuel injection and computer control system for cause of lean mixture. 可能的话,调节混合气;检查燃油喷射及电※※制系统,确认混合气太稀的原因
3. Arrange plug wires or install new wires, if needed. 整理火花塞电缆,或如有必要,安装新的电缆
4. Connect wires to proper plugs. 连接电缆到适当的火花塞上
5. Replace cap and rotor. 更换分电器盖和分火头
6. Adjust choke. 调整喉管
7. Set timing to specifications. 根据规格设定点火正时
8. Check for jumped timing chain or belt, reset valve timing to specifications. 检查跳火的正时链或皮带,根据规格,重新设置配气正时

Problem: Backfiring in exhaust system 排气系统里有Possible cause 可能的原因回火
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Turning key off and on while car is in motion. 在汽车还在行驶的时侯,在OFF和ON的位置上转动车钥匙
2. Coil-to-distributor cap secondary wire or coil shorting. 点火线圈到分电器盖的高压导线或线圈短路
3. Current flow interruption in primary circuit. 在初级电路里电流被中断
4. Incorrect valve timing. 配气正时不正确
5. Air injection system anti-backfire or diverter valve inoperative. 空气喷射系统的防回火装置或分流阀失灵

Correction 解决方法
1. Advise driver to avoid this practice. 提醒司机避免如此操作
2. Check wire and coil. 检查高压导线和线圈
3. Check circuit for loose connections and intermittent shorts; check points and condenser where used; check reluctor air gap where adjustable. 检查电路有没有连接松动和间歇性短路;检查触点和电容器;检查磁阻盘的可调整空气间隙
4. Correct valve timing. 调整配气正时
5. Replace valve. 更换阀门

Problem: Starter will not crank engine (Electrical system OK) 起动机不能启动发动机(电子系统正常)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Defective starter armature or drive. 起动机电枢或传动装置出现故障
2. Starter drive pinion jammed into flywheel teeth. 起动机驱动齿轮卡在飞轮的牙齿里
3. Engine crankshaft and/or bearings seized. 发动机曲轴和/或轴承(瓦)卡住
4. Engine bearings too tight. 发动机轴瓦太紧
5. piston-to-cylinder wall clearance too small. 活塞到气缸壁之间的间隙太小
6. Water pump frozen. 水泵冻结
7. Insufficient piston ring clearance. 活塞环的间隙不足
8. Hydrostatic lock (water in combustion chamber). 静液压锁定(燃烧室里的水份)
9. Flywheel or vibration damper bolt too long, contacting engine block. 飞轮或减振器螺栓太长,碰到发动机气缸体

Correction 解决方法
1. Rebuild or replace starter. 大修或更换起动机
2. Remove starter. Install new pinion and replace starter ring gear if needed. 取出起动机。安装新的驱动齿轮并更换起动机的齿圈如有需要的话
3. Grind shaft and replace bearings. 研磨曲轴并更换轴瓦
4. Install correct bearings. 安装正确尺寸的轴瓦
5. Fit pistons correctly. 正确磨合活塞
6. Thaw, install antifreeze in cooling system. 先融解,在冷却系统中添加防冻液
7. Install correct rings. 安装正确的活塞环
8. Remove water. Repair leak. 放掉水。修理渗漏处
9. Replace with correct bolt.  更换成正确长度的螺栓
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Engine Noise Diagnosis (发动机噪音的诊断)

Problem: Noisy Valve Train 问题:气门机构有噪音
Sound Identification: Noisy valves may be identified by a sharp clicking or tapping sound. If excessive tappet clearance exist, the clicking will be very regular and the frequency will increase with engine rpm. Sticking valves and faulty lifters cause intermittent clicking of varying intensity.
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Insufficient lubrication. 润滑液不足
2. Insufficient stem-to-guide clearance. 气门杆到导槽的间隙不足
3. Warped valve stem. 气门杆弯曲
4. Carboned stem and guide. 气门杆和导槽有积碳
5. Broken valve spring. 气门弹簧断裂
6. Weak, corroded, or incorrect spring. 弹簧变软弱,被腐蚀或不正确
7. Sticking hydraulic lifters. 液压挺柱粘合
8. Improper valve train clearance. 气门机构间隙不当
9. Valve seat not concentric with guide or stem. 气门座不在导槽或气门杆的中心位置
10.Sticking rocker arm. 摇臂粘结
11.Valve lifter loose in bore or chipped. 气门挺柱在镗孔里松动或碎裂
12.Valve spring installed incorrectly. 气门弹簧安装不正确
13.Excessively low or high oil level in pan. 油槽里的油面太高或太低
14.Loose or broken rocker arm. 摇臂松动或断裂
15.Loose or broken valve seat. 气门座松动或断裂

Correction 解决方法
1. provide ample lubrication. 添加足够的润滑液
2. Ream guides to correct size. 用铰刀把导槽扩大到正确的尺寸
3. Replace valve. 更换气门
4. Clean stem and guide. Replace both if excessive wear is present. 清洁气门杆和导槽。如果出现过分的磨损,把两个都更换掉
5. Replace spring. 更换弹簧
6. Replace with correct spring. 更换成正确的弹簧
7. Clean or replace lifters. 清洁或更换挺柱
8. Set clearance as specified. 根据规格设定间隙
9. Regrind valve and/or seat. 重新研磨气门和/或气门座
10.Clean or replace. 清洁或更换摇臂
11.Replace lifter. 更换挺柱
12.Reverse spring position. 调换弹簧的位置
13.Bring oil level to correct height. 把油面调整到正确的高度
14.Tighten or replace arm. 上紧或更换摇臂
15.Replace insert and stake as recommended. 根据推荐,更换气门座镶圈和柱杆

Problem: Crankshaft Bearing and Flywheel Knocks 曲轴轴承和飞轮碰撞
Sound Identification: Dull, heavy pound or thud, especially noticeable during periods of heavy engine loading. Frequency is related to crankshaft rpm. The loose bearing may generally be isolated by shorting spark plugs. When the plugs in line with the bearing are shorted, the sound will change. If all the main bearings are quite loose, a great deal more noise will be evident and the frequency will increase. When excessive endplay causes knocking, holding in the clutch usually alters the sound. To test for a loose flywheel, turn off the key and just before the engine stops, turn the key on again. If the flywheel is loose, a distinct knock will occur when the key is turned on.
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Shaft worn. 曲轴磨损
2. Bearing worn. 轴承磨损
3. Thin oil. 机油太稀
4. Low oil pressure. 油压太低
5. Excessive endplay. 轴向间隙过大
6. Sprung crankshaft. 曲轴拱起
7. Loose flywheel. 飞轮松动

Correction 解决方法
1. Regrind or replace shaft. 重新研磨或更换曲轴
2. Replace bearing. 更换轴承
3. Change to correct viscosity. 把机油改成正确的粘度
4. Correct as required. 根据要求纠正
5. Correct endplay. 更正轴向间隙
6. Straighten or replace crankshaft. 弄直或更换曲轴
7. Tighten flywheel fasteners. 上紧飞轮的紧固件

Problem: Connecting Rod Knock 连杆撞击
Sound Identification: The connecting rod knock is usually more evident when the engine is floating (not accelerating or holding back on compression) at speed around 30 mph(48km/h) in direct drive. The knock, a regular light metallic rap, can either be eliminated or greatly subdued by shorting out the cylinder concerned.
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Crankshaft rod journal worn. 曲轴连杆轴颈磨损
2. Connecting rod bearing worn. 连杆轴承(轴瓦)磨损
3. Diluted oil. 机油被稀释
4. Low oil pressure. 油压过低
5. Bent or twisted rod. 连杆弯曲或扭曲

Correction 解决方法
1. Grind journal or replace shaft. 研磨轴颈或更换曲轴
2. Install new bearings. 安装新的轴承
3. Change to correct viscosity. 更换成正确粘度的机油
4. Correct as required. 根据要求纠正
5. Straighten rod. Replace insert bearing. Replace rod if bend or twist is excessive. 弄直连杆。更换镶入式轴承。更换连杆如果它的弯曲或扭曲度过大

Problem: Piston Slap 活塞敲击声
Sound Identification: Piston slap is caused by the piston tipping from side to side in the cylinder. This tipping produces sounds that can range from a regular clicking to a very distinct hollow clatter, depending on the severity of wear. Piston slap will be more noticeable when the engine is cold. In mild cases, it may actually disappear after the engine is warmed up. The noise may also disappear if the plug wire on the affected cylinder is removed and the vehicle driven. Adding a tablespoon of heavy oil to each cylinder should temporarily quiet the noise. Do not add oil to a diesel engine.
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Cylinder worn. 气缸磨损
2. Pistons badly worn. 活塞严重磨损
3. Pistons mildly worn. 活塞轻度磨损
4. Piston pin fitted too tight. 活塞销安装得太紧
5. Insufficient lubrication. 润滑液不足

Correction 解决方法
1. Rebore and fit oversize pistons. 重新镗孔并且安装加大的活塞
2. Rebore and fit oversize pistons. 重新镗孔并且安装加大的活塞 
3. May be expanded by knurling or peening. 可以用滚化或锤击扩大
4. Fit pins as specified. 根据规格安装活塞销
5. Correct as required. 根据要求更正

Problem: Loose Piston Pins 活塞销松动
Sound Identification: Loose pins will cause a sharp, double-knock, especially at idle speeds. If only one pin is loose, the knocking will become more distinct when the spark plug in the affected cylinder is shorted. If all pins are loose, shorting one plug will not alter the sounds.
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Piston pin worn. 活塞销磨损
2. Piston pin hole worn. 活塞销孔磨损
3. Connecting rod bushing worn. 连杆轴瓦磨损
4. Insufficient lubrication. 润滑液不足
5. piston pin locks missing. 活塞销锁丢失
6. Piston pin lock loose. 活塞销锁松动

Correction 解决方法
1. Fit new pins of correct size. 安装新的正确尺寸的活塞销
2. Fit oversize pin. 安装加大尺寸的活塞销
3. Replace bushing or fit oversize pin. 更换轴瓦或安装加大尺寸的活塞销
4. Correct as required. 根据要求更正
5. Install locks. 安装活塞销锁
6. Tighten lock. 上紧活塞销锁

Problem: Timing Gear, Chain, and Belt Noise 正时齿轮,正时链和正时皮带有噪音
Sound Identification: Timing gears, chains, and belts can produce noise varying from a high-pitched howl (fitted too tight) to a low-level chatter or growl (badly worn). The timing chain or belt can slap against the cover, producing a thumping or scraping sound. A missing chain tooth will cause a regular and distinct knock. A tight belt can also produce a whirring sound.
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Worn chain. 正时链条磨损
2. Worn sprockets. 正时链轮磨损
3. Loose gear or sprocket. 正时齿轮或链轮松动
4. Excessive endplay. 轴向间隙过大
5. Gear misalignment. 正时齿轮调整不当
6. Worn gear. 正时齿轮磨损
7. Excessive front camshaft or crankshaft bearing. 前凸轮轴或曲轴轴承间隙过大
8. Gear tooth missing. 正时齿轮牙齿丢失
9. Worn belt. 正时皮带磨损
10.Worn or defective belt adjuster. 正时皮带调节器磨损或故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace chain and sprockets. 更换正时链条和正时链轮
2. Replace chain and sprockets. 更换正时链条和正时链轮
3. Replace gear. 更换齿轮
4. Correct as needed. 根据需要更正
5. Align properly. 正确调节
6. Replace both camshaft and crankshaft gears. 更换凸轮轴和曲轴齿轮
7. Replace bearings. 更换轴承
8. Replace both gears. 更换两个齿轮
9. Replace belt. 更换正时皮带
10.Replace adjuster. 更换调节器

Problem: Combustion Knocks (发动机)燃烧爆震声
Sound Identification: Combustion knocks are divided into two classes: preignition and detonation. Preignition occurs when the fuel-air mixture ignites before the spark plug fires. Detonation occurs when an extra flame front is produced in the combustion chamber, creating an explosion of the fuel charge before it can finish burning evenly. The result is the same: a sharp metallic pinging sound. This pinging is most noticeable during acceleration.
Problem: Preignition 提前点火
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Overheated engine. 发动机过热
2. Glowing pieces of carbon. 积炭炙热
3. Spark plugs overheating. 火花塞过热
4. Sharp valve edges. 气门边缘太尖
5. Glowing exhaust valve. 排气门炙热

Correction 解决方法
1. Check cooling system. 检查冷却系统
2. Remove carbon. 去除积炭
3. Change to cooler plugs, check plug tightness. 更换较冷的火花塞,检查火花塞的松紧度
4. Install valves with full margin. 安装带有充分边缘的气门
5. Check for proper tappet clearance, sticking valve, air leaks, overheating. 检查适当的挺杆间隙,卡住的气门,空气渗漏,过热。

Problem: Detonation 爆燃
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Ignition timing advanced. 点火正时被提前了
2. Engine temperature too high. 发动机温度太高
3. Carbon buildup raising compression ratio. 积碳的积累增加了压缩比
4. Low octane fuel. 低辛烷值燃料
5. Exhaust heat control valve stuck, or vacuum line improperly connected. 排气热量控制阀门粘合,或者真空管路连接不当
6. Block or head shaved to increase compression. 气缸体或气缸盖被剃削而增加压缩比
7. EGR valve disconnected. EGR(排气再循环)阀门断开
8. Thermostatic air cleaner valve stuck in cold position. (进气系统)恒温器控制的空气滤清器阀门在冷却的位置粘合

Correction 解决方法
1. Retard timing. 延迟正时
2. Check cooling system. 检查冷却系统
3. Remove carbon. 去除积碳
4. Switch to high octane fuel. 转换成高辛烷值燃料
5. Free valve; check vacuum line connections. 清除阀门;检查真空管路的连接处
6. Use thicker gasket or change head. 使用更厚的密封垫或更换气缸盖
7. Reconnect EGR and check operation. 重新连接EGR阀并检查操作
8. Repair as needed. 根据需要修理

Problem: Fuel Pump Noise (Mechanical Fuel Pump) 燃油泵有噪音(机械式燃油泵)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Pump-to-block fasteners loose. 燃油泵至气缸体的紧固件松动
2. Rocker arm or eccentric worn. 摇臂或偏心轮磨损
3. Rocker arm spring weak or broken. 摇臂弹簧变软或断裂
4. Pushrod or bore worn. 推杆或气缸内径磨损

Correction 解决方法
1. Tighten fasteners. 上紧紧固件
2. Replace. 更换
3. Replace rocker arm spring. 更换摇臂弹簧
4. Replace pushrod; check for bore wear. 更换推杆;检查气缸内径的磨损程度

Problem: Other Engine Noises 其他的发动机噪音
Sound Identification: Various accessory units, such as the water pump, alternator, power steering pump, and air conditioning compressor, can produce a variety of squealing, grinding, thumping, and howling noises. They may be quickly checked by disconnecting the accessory drive belts.
Engine mounts can cause heavy metallic noises if they are too tight or too loose.
Exhaust pipes, mufflers, and tailpipes can also be responsible for various thumps, clangs, and rattles.
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Exhaust System Diagnosis 排气系统诊断

Problem: Exhaust odor enters vehicle during highway operation 在高速公路驾驶期间,排气的异味进入到车厢里
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Leaking exhaust system connections. 排气系统的连接部分泄漏
2. Holes in muffler or pipe system. 在消声器或管道系统上有洞
3. Tail pipe does not protrude far enough to rear or side. 排气尾管向后或向旁边伸出得不够远
4. Oil drips on hot exhaust system. 机油滴在热的排气系统上
5. Holes in body or fire wall. 车身或前围板上有洞孔
6. Operating vehicle with back window down. 开车时,后边的车窗打开着

Correction 解决方法
1. Tighten connections. Repair or, if needed, replace units. 上紧连接部分。修理或,如有需要,更换部件
2. Replace defective units. 更换损坏的部件
3. Install correct length of pipe or an extension. 安装正确长度的尾管或延长管
4. Repair oil leaks. 修理机油渗漏处
5. Locate and seal holes. 找出并封上洞孔
6. Inform owner. 告知车主

Problem: Engine lacks power 发动机失去动力
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Clogged muffler. 消声器堵塞
2. Clogged or kinked exhaust or tail pipe. 排气管或排气尾管堵塞或弯曲
3. Muffler or pipes too small for vehicle. 对汽车来说,消声器或管道太小
4. Catalytic converter clogged or crushed shut. 催化转化器堵塞或被挤压得折拢
5. Manifold heat control stuck.进气歧管加热控制阀门粘合

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace muffler. 更换消声器
2. Replace pipe. 更换管道
3. Install muffler and pipes of the correct size and type. 安装正确尺寸和类型的消声器和管道
4. Replace with new converter. 更换新的催化转化器
5. Free or replace. 清除或更换

Problem: Excessive exhaust system noise 排气系统噪音过大
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Holes in muffler or pipes. 在消声器或管道上有洞孔
2. System connections leaking. 排气系统的连接部分有渗漏
3. Exhaust manifold or pipe gaskets blown. 排气歧管或管道密封垫被压碎
4. Muffler of incorrect design. 消声器的类型不正确
5. Muffler burned inside. 消声器内部燃烧
6. Carbon build-up in straight-through design muffler. 在直流型的消声器里有积碳
7. Hole in catalytic converter. 在催化转化器上有洞孔

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace defective units. 更换有故障的部件
2. Repair connections. 修理连接部分
3. Replace gaskets. 更换密封垫
4. Replace with correct muffler. 更换成正确的消声器
5. Replace muffler. 更换消声器
6. Replace muffler. 更换消声器
7. Replace converter. 更换催化转化器

Problem: Exhaust system mechanical noise 排气系统里的机械噪音
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. System improperly aligned. 排气系统校准不当
2. Support brackets loose, bent, or broken. 托架松动,弯曲或断裂
3. Incorrect muffler or pipes. 消声器或管道不正确
4. Baffle loose in muffler. 消声器里的挡板松动
5. Manifold heat control valve rattles. 进气歧管加热调节阀发出嗄嗄声
6. Engine mounts worn. 发动机悬置磨损
7. Damaged or defective catalytic converter. 催化转化器损坏或故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Align system. 校准系统
2. Tighten. 上紧
3. Install correct muffler or pipes. 安装正确的消声器或管道
4. Replace muffler. 更换消声器
5. Replace thermostatic spring. 更换恒温弹簧(热敏双金属弹簧,随温度变化弹簧卷起或放松)
6. Replace engine mounts. 更换发动机悬置
7. Repair or replace converter. 修理或更换催化转化器
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Fuel System Problem Diagnosis 燃油系统故障诊断

Problem: No fuel delivery 没有燃油供给
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. No fuel. 没有燃油
2. Tank vents clogged. 燃油箱的通风孔堵塞
3. Tank filter clogged. 燃油箱的滤清器堵塞
4. Fuel lines kinked or clogged. 燃※※道弯曲或堵塞
5. Vapor lock. 蒸汽闭锁
6. Fuel pump inoperative. 燃油泵失灵
7. Fuel pump relay or fuse defective. 燃油泵的继电器或熔断丝故障
8. Fuel filter or filters clogged. 燃油滤清器堵塞
9. Frozen fuel line. 燃※※道冻结
10.Air leak between fuel pump and tank. 在燃油泵和燃油箱之间漏气
11.Clogged injectors. 喷油嘴堵塞
12.Inoperative injection pump (diesel). 喷油泵失灵(柴油车)

Correction 解决方法
1. Add fuel to the bank. 添加燃油
2. Open fuel tank vents. 疏通燃油箱的通风孔
3. Replace tank filter. 更换燃油箱滤清器
4. Straighten or clean fuel lines. 弄直或清洁燃※※
5. Cool fuel lines. Change to less volatile gas. Protect fuel lines from heat. 冷却燃※※道。改成较低挥发性的汽油。保护燃※※道远离热源
6. Rebuild or replace pump. 大修或更换燃油泵
7. Replace as needed. 根据需要更换
8. Clean or replace filters. 清洁或更换滤清器
9. Thaw and remove water from the fuel system. 溶解并从燃油系统中去除水份
10.Repair air leak. 修理漏气处
11.Clean or replace injectors, locate source of deposits. 清洁或更换喷油嘴,找出积垢的源头
12.Repair or replace pump. 修理或更换燃油泵

Problem: Insufficient fuel delivery 燃油供给不足
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Tank vent partially clogged. 燃油箱通风孔部分堵塞
2. Tank filter partially clogged. 燃油箱内的滤清器部分堵塞
3. Gas lines kinked or clogged. 汽※※道弯曲或堵塞
4. Vapor lock. 蒸汽闭锁
5. Air leak between fuel pump and tank. 在燃油泵和燃油箱之间有渗漏
6. Fuel filter partially clogged. 燃油滤清器部分堵塞
7. Fuel pump defective. 燃油泵故障
8. Pressure regulator spring weak. 压力调节器的弹簧变软
9. Clogged injection pipes. 喷※※堵塞
10.Defective injectors. 喷油嘴故障
11.Faulty injection pump (diesel). 喷油泵失灵(柴油车)
12.Fuel injection pulse width incorrect. 燃油喷射的脉冲宽度不正确
13.Mass airflow sensor malfunction. 质量型空气流量传感器失灵
14.Defective oxygen sensor. 氧气传感器故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Open tank vent. 疏通燃油箱的通风孔
2. Replace tank filter. 更换燃油箱滤清器
3. Straighten or clean fuel lines. 弄直或清洁燃※※
4. Cool fuel lines. Change to less volatile gas. Protect fuel lines from heat.  冷却燃※※道。改成较低挥发性的汽油。保护燃※※道远离热源
5. Repair air leak. 修理渗漏处
6. Clean or replace filter. 清洁或更换滤清器
7. Install new pump. 安装新的燃油泵
8. Replace pressure regular. 更换压力调节器
9. Clean or replace pipes. 清洁或更换管道
10.Clean or replace injectors. 清洁或更换喷油嘴
11.Rebuild or replace injectors. 大修或更换喷油嘴
12.Check ECM and sensors. Replace as needed. 检查电子控制模块(ECM)和传感器。根据需要更换
13.Replace mass airflow sensor. 更换质量型空气流量传感器
14.Replace oxygen sensor. 更换氧气传感器

Problem: Stalling and/or rough idling (发动机)失速停转和/或怠速不稳(抖动)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Idle speed too slow. 怠速太慢
2. Fast idle speed too slow. 快(暖机)怠速太慢
3. Idle speed solenoid or motor defective. 怠速的电磁线圈或马达故障
4. Computer control system defect. 电※※制系统故障
5. Clogged air cleaner. 空气滤清器堵塞
6. Vacuum leak. 真空渗漏
7. PCV system clogged. PCV(曲轴箱强制通风)系统堵塞
8. Exhaust heat valve stuck open. 排热气阀门持续打开
9. Inoperative canister purge valve. 炭罐清污阀失灵
10.Restricted air cleaner and/or exhaust. 空气滤清器和/或排气管道堵塞
11.Defective glow plug system (diesel). 预热塞系统故障(柴油车)
12.Injection pump timing off (diesel). 喷油泵正时不符(柴油车)
13.Air in injection lines (diesel). 喷射系统的管路内有空气(柴油车)
14.Low compression. 压力低
15.Faulty injection pump (diesel). 喷射泵故障(柴油车)
16.Malfunctioning injection nozzles. 喷射嘴故障
17.Contaminated fuel. 燃油受到污染
18.EGR vacuum hoses misrouted. EGR(排气再循环)真空软管指向不正确
19.Defective EGR valve. EGR阀故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Increase idle speed. 增加怠速
2. Increase fast idle speed. 增加暖机怠速
3. Replace as needed. 根据需要更换
4. Test and replace as needed. 根据需要进行测试和更换
5. Clean or replace air cleaner. 清洁或更换空气滤清器
6. Repair leak. 修理渗漏处
7. Clean PCV system. 清洁PVC系统
8. Free heat valve or replace. 释防排热气阀门或更换
9. Replace valve or canister. 更换阀门或炭罐
10.Repair restriction or replace restricted part. 修理堵塞处或更换堵塞部分
11.Repair glow plug system. 修理预热塞系统
12.Correct timing. 更正正时
13.Bleed off air. 放出空气
14.Determine reason and repair. 确定原因并修理
15.Repair or replace pump. 修理或更换喷射泵
16.Repair or replace nozzles. 修理或更换喷射嘴
17.Flush system. Add fresh, clean fuel. 冲洗系统。添加新的,干净的燃油
18.Correct as required. 根据需要更正
19.Replace EGR valve. 更换EGR阀

Problem: Idle speed varies 怠速变动
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Throttle linkage dirty. 节气门操作杆系太脏
2. Throttle return spring weak. 节气门复位弹簧变弱
3. Accelerator pedal sticking. 加速踏板粘结
4. PCV valve sticking. PCV阀粘结
5. Dirty or malfunctioning fuel injectors. 燃油喷嘴肮脏或失灵
6. Injector control malfunction. 喷嘴控制器失灵
7. Defective idle air control. 怠速空气控制器故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Clean linkage. 清洁杆系
2. Replace with stronger spring. 用较强的弹簧更换 
3. Clean and lubricate accelerator cable and/or linkage. 清洁并润滑加速器线缆和/或杆系
4. Replace PCV valve. 更换PCV阀
5. Clean or replace fuel injectors. 清洁或更换燃油喷嘴
6. Replace injector control or control modules. 更换喷嘴控制器或控制模块
7. Diagnose and repair idle air control. 诊断并修理怠速空气控制器

Problem: Poor acceleration 加速欠佳
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Exhaust manifold heat control valve stuck. 排气歧管热控制阀粘结
2. Low fuel pump pressure. 燃油泵压力太低
3. Air leaks. 漏气
4. Clogged air cleaner. 空气滤清器堵塞
5. Faulty fuel injectors. 燃油喷嘴失灵
6. Engine control module defective. 发动机控制模块故障
7. Plugged catalytic converter. 催化转化器堵塞
8. Clogged muffler. 消声器堵塞
9. Bent tail pipe. 排气尾管弯曲
10.Clogged fuel filters. 燃油滤清器堵塞
11.Defective injection pump (diesel). 喷油泵故障(柴油车)
12.Defective injection nozzles (diesel). 喷油嘴故障(柴油车)
13.Timing not advancing. 正时不能提前

Correction 解决方法
1. Free heat control valve. 释放热控制阀
2. Replace fuel pump. 更换燃油泵
3. Repair air leaks. 修理漏气处
4. Clean or replace air filter. 清洁或更换空气滤清器
5. Clean or replace fuel injectors. 清洁或更换燃油喷嘴
6. Replace control module. 更换控制模块
7. Replace catalytic converter. 更换催化转化器
8. Replace muffler. 更换消声器
9. Replace tail pipe. 更换排气尾管
10.Clean or replace filters. 清洁或更换燃油滤清器
11.Rebuild or replace pump. 修理或更换喷油泵
12.Replace nozzles. 更换喷油嘴
13.Test and repair. 测试并修理

Problem: Lean mixture at cruising speeds 巡行速度时混合气太稀
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Air leaks. 漏气
2. Defective injection pump (diesel). 喷油泵故障(柴油车)
3. Fuel injection system control malfunction. 燃油喷射系统控制器失灵
4. Dirty or defective injector nozzles (diesel). 喷油嘴太脏或故障 (柴油车)

Correction 解决方法
1. Repair air leaks. 修理漏气处
2. Repair or replace pump. 修理或更换喷油泵
3. Adjust, repair, or replace. 调整,修理或更换
4. Clean or replace nozzles. 清洁或更换喷嘴

Problem: Rich mixture at cruising speeds 巡行速度时混合气太浓
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Air cleaner clogged. 空气滤清器堵塞
2. Excessive fuel pressure. 燃油压力过大
3. Engine running too cold. 发动机转动太冷
4. Faulty fuel injection pump. 燃油喷射泵失灵
5. Malfunctioning fuel injection control system. 燃油喷射控制系统失灵

Correction 解决方法
1. Clean or replace air filter. 清洁或更换空气滤清器
2. Reduce fuel pressure. 减小燃油压力
3. Check cooling system. 检查冷却系统
4. Rebuild or replace pump. 大修或更换喷油泵
5. Adjust, repair, or replace affected parts. 调整,修理或更换受影响的部件

Problem: Low top speed 最高速度低(车速上不去?)
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Incorrect throttle linkage adjustment. 节气门操纵杆系调节不正确
2. Clogged air cleaner. 空气滤清器堵塞
3. Air leak. 漏气
4. Obstruction under accelerator pedal. 加速踏板下面有障碍物
5. Engine operating too cold or hot. 发动机运转时太冷或太热
6. clogged catalytic converter. 催化转化器堵塞
7. Pinched exhaust pipe. 排气管受到挤压
8. clogged muffler. 消声器堵塞
9. Faulty injection pump (diesel). 喷油泵失灵(柴油车)
10.Plugged injection nozzles (diesel). 喷油嘴堵塞(柴油车)
11.Fuel injection system control malfunction. 燃油喷射系统控制器失灵
12.Low compression. 压缩比太低
13.Incorrect (small) tire size. 轮胎尺寸不正确(太小)
14.Incorrect final drive ratio. 最终传动比不正确
15.Timing not advancing. 正时不能提前

Correction 解决方法
1. Adjust linkage correctly. 正确调节操纵杆系
2. Clean or replace air cleaner. 清洁或更换空气滤清器
3. Repair air leak. 修理漏气处
4. Remove obstruction. 移走障碍物
5. Check cooling system. 检查冷却系统
6. Repair or replace converter. 修理或更换催化转化器
7. Replace pipe. 更换排气管
8. Replace muffler. 更换消声器
9. Adjust, repair, or replace pump. 调节,修理或更换喷油泵
10.Clean or replace nozzles. 清洁或更换喷油嘴
11.Repair, adjust, or replace affected unit(s). 修理,调节或更换受影响的部件
12.Repair engine. 修理发动机
13.Install correct size tires. 安装正确尺寸的轮胎
14.Install correct ratio gears. 安装正确比率的齿轮
15.Test and repair. 测试并修理

Problem: Hard starting when cold 当天气太冷,很难启动
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Air leak. 漏气
2. Clogged air cleaner. 空气滤清器堵塞
3. No fuel delivery. 没有燃油供给
4. Stale or contaminated fuel. 燃油失效或受到污染
5. Gasoline not sufficiently volatile. 汽油的挥发性不足
6. Incorrect grade of diesel fuel. 柴油的级别不正确
7. Vacuum leaks. 真空泄漏
8. Defective ignition components. 点火部件故障
9. Incorrect timing. 正时不正确
10.Discharged or defective battery. 蓄电池放电或故障
11.Corroded or loose battery and starter connections. 蓄电池和起动机的连接部分被腐蚀或松动
12.Defective starter motor. 起动机马达故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Repair air leak. 修理漏气处
2. Clean or replace air cleaner. 清洁或更换空气滤清器
3. Check tank and delivery system. 检查油箱和供给系统
4. Drain tank. Flush system. Fill with fresh fuel. 放尽油箱。冲洗供给系统。添加新的燃油
5. Change to more volatile fuel. 改成更具挥发性的燃油
6. Use correct grade fuel. 使用正确级别的燃油
7. Locate and repair. 查找位置并维修
8. Locate, clean, adjust, or replace. 找出位置,清洁,调整或更换
9. Set to specifications. 设置到技术规格
10.Charge or replace battery. 充电或更换蓄电池
11.Clean and tighten connections. 清洁并上紧连接处
12.Rebuild or replace starter. 大修或更换起动机

Problem: Hard starting when hot 当天气热时,很难启动
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Vapor lock.  蒸汽闭锁
2. Air leak. 漏气
3. No fuel delivery. 没有燃油供给
4. Stale or contaminated fuel. 燃油失效或受到污染
5. Overheated engine. 发动机过热
6. Exhaust heat control valve stuck.  排热气阀门持续打开
7. High elevation. 海拔太高
8. Vacuum hoses split, kinked, or loose. 真空软管裂开,扭曲或松动
9. Incorrect ignition timing. 点火正时不正确
10.Malfunctioning fuel injection system control. 燃油喷射系统控制器失效

Correction 解决方法
1. Cool lines. Change to less volatile fuel and protect lines from heat. 使管道冷却下来。更换较低挥发性的燃油并使管道远离热源
2. Repair air leak. 修理漏气处
3. Check delivery system. 检查供给系统
4. Drain tank and fuel system. Fill with fresh fuel. 放尽油箱和燃油系统。添加全新的燃油
5. Check cooling system. 检查冷却系统
6. Free control valve. 疏通控制阀门
7. Change to less volatile fuel. 把燃油换成较低挥发性的燃油
8. Replace and secure connections. 更换或加强连接处
9. Set to specifications. 按照技术规格进行设定
10.Repair, adjust, or replace affected parts. 修理,调整或更换受影响的部件

Problem: Excessive fuel consumption 油耗过高
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Excessive speed. 速度过快
2. Rapid acceleration. 加速太快
3. Heavy loads or trailer towing. 负载或拖拽挂车太重
4. Low tire pressure. 车胎压力太低
5. Dragging brakes. 制动器拖滞
6. Stop and start driving. 频繁停车起动
7. Fuel leaks (external). 燃油渗漏(外部)
8. Clogged air cleaner. 空气滤清器堵塞
9. Low grade or stale gasoline. 汽油的等级太低或失效
10.Exhaust heat control valve stuck. 排热气控制阀持续打开
11.Fuel pressure excessive. 燃油压力过高
12.Front wheel alignment out. 前轮定位不当
13.Exhaust system clogged. 排气系统堵塞
14.Transmission slipping. 液力传动打滑
15.Wrong axle gear ratio. 传动轴齿轮比错误
16.Incorrect tire size. 轮胎尺寸不正确
17.Malfunctioning fuel injection system control. 燃油喷射系统控制器失灵
18.Faulty fuel injector pump (diesel). 燃油喷油泵故障(柴油车)
19.Injector pump timing incorrect (diesel). 喷油泵正时不正确(柴油车)
20.Incorrect grade of diesel fuel. 柴油的级别不正确
21.Torque converter lockup inoperative. (自动变速器)液力变矩器锁止故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Caution owner to reduce speed. 警告车主降低速度驾驶
2. Accelerate moderately. 温和地加速
3. Normal. 正常
4. Inflate tires to proper level. 把轮胎打气至适当的水平
5. Adjust brakes. 调整制动器
6. Normal. 正常
7. Repair leaks. 修理渗漏处
8. Clean or replace cleaner. 清洁或更换滤清器
9. Use higher grade fuel. Use fresh fuel. 使用更高级别的燃油。使用新的燃油
10.Free valve. 疏通阀门
11.Lower fuel pressure. 降低燃油压力
12.Align front wheels. 给前轮重新定位
13.Replace muffler and/or tail pipe. 更换消声器和/或排气尾管
14.Adjust or overhaul transmission. 调整或修理传动系(变速箱)
15.Change to factory ratio. 更换到厂商规定的比率
16.Install proper size tires. 安装适当尺寸的轮胎
17.Repair, adjust, or replace affected control. 修理,调整或更换受影响的控制器
18. Repair, adjust, or replace pump. 修理,调整或更换喷油泵
19.Set to specifications. 设置到技术规格
20.Use correct grade. 使用正确的级别
21.Repair or replace lockup solenoid, converter, or control module. 修理或更换锁止电磁线圈,变矩器或控制模块
泡网分: 67.842
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注册: 2002年4月
Charging System Problem Diagnosis 充电系统故障诊断

Problem: No charge 不充电
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Alternator drive belt loose or broken. 交流发电机驱动皮带松动或断裂
2. Voltage regulator fusible link blown. 电压调节器的熔线烧断
3. Sticking or worn commutator brushes. 换向器的电刷粘结或磨损
4. Loose or corroded connection. 连接处松动或锈蚀
5. Rectifiers open. 整流器断路
6. Charging circuit open. 充电电路断路
7. Open circuit in stator winding. 定子绕组(线圈)断路
8. Field circuit open. 磁场电路断路
9. Defective field relay. 磁场继电器故障
10.Defective voltage regulator. 电压调节器故障
11.Open isolation diode. 隔离二极管断路
12.Open resistor wire. 电阻型电线断路
13.Drive pulley slipping. 驱动带轮打滑
14.Brushes oil soaked. 电刷被油浸泡
15.Corroded or loose brush connections. 电刷连接处锈蚀或松动
16.Seized bearings. 轴承被卡住

Correction 解决方法
1. tighten or replace belt. 上紧或更换皮带
2. Install new fusible link. 安装新的熔线
3. Free or replace brushes. 释放或更换电刷
4. Clean and solder connections. 清洁并焊紧连接处
5. Correct cause and replace rectifiers. 改正原因并更换整流器
6. Correct as needed. 根据需要更正
7. Replace stator. 更换定子
8. Test and correct as required. 测试并根据要求更正
9. Replace relay. 更换继电器
10.replace voltage regulator. 更换电压调节器
11.replace diode. 更换隔离二极管
12.Replace resistor wire. 更换电阻型电线
13.Install new key and tighten. 安装新的销钉并上紧
14.Replace brushes. 更换电刷
15.Clean and tighten connections. 清洁并上紧连接处
16.Replace bearings. Check shaft for damage. 更换轴承。检查旋转轴是否损坏

Problem: Low or erratic rate of charge 充电电流低或不稳定
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Loose drive belt. 驱动皮带松动
2. Open stator; grounded or shorted turns in stator windings. 定子断路,定子绕组里的线匝接地或短路
3. High resistance in battery terminals. 蓄电池端子内有高电阻
4. Charging circuit resistance excessive. 充电线路内电阻过高
5. Engine ground strap loose or broken. 发动机的接地线松动或断裂
6. Loose connections. 连接处松动
7. Voltage regulator points oxidized. 电压调节器触点氧化
8. Voltage regulator setting too low. 电压调节器的设置太低
9. Defective rectifier. 整流器故障
10.Dirty, burned slip rings. 滑环太脏,烧焦
11.Grounded or shorted turns in rotor. (电枢)转子内的线匝接地或短路
12.Brushes worn. Brush springs weak. 电刷磨损。电刷弹簧变软

Correction 解决方法
1. Tighten belt. 上紧皮带
2. Replace stator. 更换定子
3. Clean and tighten terminals. 清洁并上紧端子
4. Repair cause of high resistance. 修理高电阻引起的故障
5. Tighten or replace strap. 上紧或更换接地线
6. Tighten connections. 上紧连接处
7. Clean and adjust or replace regulator if required. 清洁并调整调节器或如有需要进行更换
8. Increase regulator setting. 提高调节器的设置
9. Replace rectifier. 更换整流器
10.Turn slip rings. 转动滑环
11.Replace rotor. 更换(电枢)转子
12.Replace brushes and/or springs. 更换电刷和/或弹簧

Problem: Excessive rate of charge 充电电流过大
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Voltage regulator setting too high. 电压调节器设置太高
2. Voltage regulator ground defective. 电压调节器接地故障
3. Defective voltage regulator. 电压调节器故障
4. Alternator field winding grounded. 交流发电机磁场绕组接地
5. Open rectifier. 整流器断路
6. Loose connections. 连接处松动

Correction 解决方法
1. Lower regulator setting. 降低调节器的设置
2. Ground properly. 正确地接地
3. Replace regulator. 更换调节器
4. Repair grounded field winding. 修理接地的磁场绕组
5. Replace rectifier. 更换整流器
6. Tighten connections. 上紧连接处

Problem: Noise 噪音
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Drive belt slipping. 驱动皮带打滑
2. Drive pulley loose. 驱动带轮松动
3. Drive pulley misaligned. 驱动带轮错位
4. Mounting bolts loose. 安装螺栓松动
5. Worn bearings. 轴承磨损
6. Dry bearing. 轴承干燥不润滑
7. Open or shorted rectifier. 整流器断路或短路
8. Sprung rotor shaft. 转子轴折断
9. Open or shorted stator winding. 定子绕组断路或短路
10.Alternator fan dragging. 交流发电机风扇摩擦
11.Excessive rotor end play. 转子的轴向间隙过大
12.Out-of-round or rough slip rings. 滑环偏移或运转不平稳
13.Hardened brushes. 电刷变硬

Correction 解决方法
1. Tighten belt. 上紧皮带
2. Tighten pulley. 上紧带轮
3. Align pulley. 调整带轮
4. Tighten mounting bolts. 上紧安装螺栓
5. Replace bearings. 更换轴承
6. Lubricate or replace as required. 润滑或根据要求更换
7. Replace rectifier. 更换整流器
8. Install new rotor. 安装新的转子
9. Test. Replace stator as needed. 测试。根据需要更换定子
10.Adjust fan clearance. 调※※扇的间隙
11.Adjust for correct end play. 调整到正确的轴向间隙
12.Turn slip rings. 掉转滑环
13.Replace brushes. 更换电刷

Problem: Regulator points oxidized, pitted or burned 电压调节器的触点氧化,点蚀或烧焦
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Incorrect regulator connections. 电压调节器的接头不正确
2. Rotor coil windings shorted. 转子线圈的线匝短路
3. Regulator setting too high. 电压调节器设置太高
4. Poor ground. 接地不良
5. Brush leads touching each other. 电刷引线相互接触到
6. Air gap incorrect. 空气间隙不正确
7. Point gap incorrect. 触点间隙不正确
8. Oil on points. 触点上有油污
9. Filings or other abrasive particles between points. 在触点之间有金属屑或其它研磨粉粒
10.Use of emery cloth. 使用了金钢砂纸

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace regulator. Connect properly. 更换调节器。正确连接
2. Replace rotor. 更换转子
3. Reduce regulator setting. 降低调节器的设置
4. Correct ground. 正确地接地
5. separate leads. 分开引线
6. Adjust air gap. 调节空气间隙
7. Adjust point gap. 调整触点之间的间隙
8. Clean points. Replace if needed. 清洁触点。如有需要进行更换
9. File or sand. Clean thoroughly. 挫平或打磨。完全清洁
10.Replace regulator. Never use emery cloth to clean points.更换调节器。不要使用金钢砂纸去清洁触点

Problem: Undercharged battery 蓄电池充电不足
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. No charge or low charge rate. 不能充电或充电率低
2. Excessive use of starter. 对起动机过分使用
3. Defective battery. 蓄电池故障
4. Excessive resistance in charging circuit. 充电电路内的电阻过大
5. Defective alternator. 交流发电机故障
6. Defective regulator. 电压调节器故障
7. Low regulator setting. 电压调节器的设置太低
8. Electrical load exceeds alternator rating. 电负荷超过交流发电机的额定功率
9. Electrical draw in system. 充电系统内有ELECTRICAL DRAW
10.Excessive starter motor draw. 起动机的MOTOR DRAW过大
11. Water level low in battery cells. 蓄电池组内的水平面过低

Correction 解决方法
1. See No charge or Low or erratic rate of charge. 参见不充电或充电电流低或不稳定
2. Tune engine for faster starting. 调整发动机以便更快地启动
3. Replace battery. 更换蓄电池
4. Test and remove resistance. 测试并去除电阻
5. Rebuild or replace alternator. 大修或更换交流发电机
6. Replace regulator. 更换发电机
7. Raise regulator setting. 提高调节器的设置
8. Reduce load or install higher capacity alternator. 减少负荷或安装更高容量的发电机
9. Test. Remove source of electrical draw. 测试去除ELECTRICAL DRAW的源头
10.Rebuild or replace starter motor. 大修或更换起动机的马达
11.Bring electrolyte up to proper level. 添加电解液到适当的水平

Problem: Overcharged battery 蓄电池过充电
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Excessive resistance in voltage regulator circuit. 电压调节器电路内的电阻过大
2. Voltage regulator setting too high. 电压调节器设置过高
3. upper (double-contact) voltage regulator points stuck. 上(双触点调节器)电压调节器触点粘合
4. Regulator-alternator ground wire loose or open. 调节器-发电机的接地线松动或断路
5. Defective battery. 蓄电池故障
6. Voltage regulator coil open. 电压调节器线圈断路
7. Current regulator setting too high. 电流调节器设置太高
8. Other defective regulator parts. 调节器的部件的其他故障

Correction 解决方法
1. Clean and tighten connections. 清洁并上紧连接处
2. Lower voltage regulator setting. 降低电压调节器的设置
3. Replace regulator. 更换交流发电机
4. Tighten or replace wire. 上紧或更换接地线
5. Replace battery. 更换蓄电池
6. Replace regulator. 更换调节器
7. Reduce current regulator setting. 降低电流调节器的设置
8. Replaced regulator. 更换调节器

Problem: Excessive use of water or loss of electrolyte 电池里有太多水或电解液损耗
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Battery case cracked. 蓄电池外壳破裂
2. Voltage regulator setting too high. 电压调节器的设置太高
3. Excessive charge rate from other causes. 其他原因的充电率太高
4. Battery subjected to excessive heat. 蓄电池受到高温的影响
5. Battery sealing compound loose. 蓄电池的密封接合物松动

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace battery. 更换蓄电池
2. Lower voltage regulator setting. 降低电压调节器的设置
3. See Excessive rate of charge and Overcharged battery. 参见充电电流过大和蓄电池过充电
4. Change battery location or insulate battery against heat.改变蓄电池的位置或隔离蓄电池防止过热
5. Replace battery. 更换蓄电池
泡网分: 67.842
主题: 239
帖子: 15189
注册: 2002年4月
Starting System Problem Diagnosis 起动系统故障诊断

Problem: Starter will not crank engine 起动机不启动发动机
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Dead battery. 蓄电池没电
2. Loose or dirty battery connections. 蓄电池的连接处松动或肮脏
3. Defective starter switch. 起动机开关失灵
4. Defective starter solenoid.起动机电磁线圈失灵
5. Defective or improperly adjusted neutral safety switch. 空档安全开关失灵或调整不当
6. Starter terminal post shorted. 起动机的接线端子短路
7. Defective starter. 起动机故障
8. Engine bearings seized. 发动机轴瓦卡住
9. Engine bearings too tight. 发动机轴瓦太紧
10.Piston-to-cylinder wall clearance too small. 活塞到气缸壁之间的间隙太小
11.Water pump frozen. 水泵被冻住
12.Insufficent ring clearance. 活塞环的间隙不足
13.Hydrostatic lock (water in combustion chamber). 静液锁闭(在燃烧室内的水份)
14.Starter drive pinion jammed into flywheel teeth. 起动机的主动小齿轮卡在飞轮的轮齿里
15.Starter armature seized. 起动机电枢卡住

Correction 解决方法
1. Charge or replace battery. 充电或更换蓄电池
2. Clean and tighten connections. 清洁并上紧连接处
3. Replace starter switch. 更换起动机开关
4. Replace solenoid. 更换电磁线圈
5. Replace or adjust switch. 更换或调整开关
6. Replace insulation. 更换绝缘体
7. Rebuild or replace starter. 大修或更换起动机
8. Grind crankshaft. Replace bearings. 打磨曲轴。更换轴瓦
9. Install correct bearings. 安装正确的轴瓦
10.Fit pistons correctly. 正确安装活塞
11.Thaw. Place antifreeze in cooling system. 融化。在冷却系统内加入防冻液
12.Install correct rings. 安装正确尺寸的活塞环
13.Remove water and repair leak. 清除水份并修理渗漏处
14.Remove starter. Install new pinion and replace starter ring gear if needed. 拆下起动机。安装新的主动小齿轮,如果需要更换起动机的冠状齿轮
15.Rebuild or replace starter. 大修或更换起动机

Problem: Starter cranks engine slowly 起动机启动发动机太慢
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Low battery state of charge. 蓄电池充电状态是低电压
2. Loose or dirty battery cable connections. 蓄电池电缆线的连接处松动或肮脏
3. Battery capacity too small. 蓄电池的容量太小
4. Dirty or burned switch contacts. 开关触点肮脏或烧蚀
5. Excessively heavy engine oil. 机油太重
6. Starter motor defective. 起动机马达故障
7. Engine bearings, pistons, or rings fitted too close. 发动机轴瓦,活塞,或活塞环配合得太紧
8. Cold, heavy oil in manual transmission. 在手动变速器里油太冷,太重
9. Extreme cold weather. 极端寒冷的天气

Correction 解决方法
1. Charge battery. 给蓄电池充电
2. Clean and tighten connections. 清洁并上紧连接处
3. Install larger capacity battery. 安装更大容量的蓄电池
4. Replace switch. 更换开关
5. Drain and install lighter oil. 放尽机油并加入较轻的机油
6. Rebuild or replace starter. 大修或更换起动机
7. Provide proper clearance. 提供适当的间隙
8. Hold clutch in while cranking. 启动时,踩住离合器一会儿
9. Preheat engine prior to cranking. 在开车前,预热一下发动机

Problem: Starter makes excessive noise 起动机发出很大的噪音
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Starter-to-flywheel housing mounting fasteners loose.起动机到飞轮壳的安装紧固件松动
2. Dragging armature. 电枢摩擦
3. Dragging field pole shoes. 磁极螺栓打滑
4. Dry bushings. 衬套干燥不润滑
5. Chipped pinion teeth. 驱动齿轮齿缺损
6. Chipped flywheel ring gear teeth. 飞轮的齿圈齿缺损
7. Bent armature shaft. 电枢轴弯曲
8. Worn drive unit. 传动装置磨损
9. Loose starter through-bolts. Loose end frame bolts. 起动机的贯穿螺栓松动。末端支架螺栓松动
10.Flywheel ring gear misaligned. 飞轮的齿圈错位

Correction 解决方法
1. Tighten mounting fasteners. 上紧安装紧固件
2. Replace armature and/or bushings. 更换电枢和/或衬套
3. Tighten pole shoes. 上紧磁极螺栓
4. Lubricate bushings. 给衬套上润滑油
5. Replace pinion. 更换小齿轮
6. Replace ring gear. 更换齿圈
7. Replace armature. 更换电枢
8. Replace starter drive unit. 更换起动机的传动装置
9. Tighten all starter and frame cap bolts. 上紧所有起动机和支架盖的螺栓
10.Install new ring gear. 安装新的齿圈

Problem: Starter cranks but will not engage flywheel ring gear 起动机转动但不能啮合飞轮的齿圈
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Broken spring or bolt (Bendix type). 弹簧或螺栓断裂(惯性离合器(传动啮合装置)式起动机)
2. Dirty drive unit. 传动装置肮脏
3. Sheared drive key. 传动销卡住
4. Stripped or sheared pinion teeth. 驱动齿轮齿折断或卡住
5. Section of ring gear teeth stripped. 齿圈的牙齿部分折断
6. Defective or dry overrunning clutch drive unit. 单向离合器式传动装置故障或干燥无润滑
7. Snapped armature shaft. 电枢轴折断
8. Broken spring (overrunning clutch type). 弹簧断裂(单向离合器式)

Correction 解决方法
1. Replace spring or bolt. 更换弹簧或螺栓
2. Clean or replace unit. 清洁或更换传动装置
3. Replace drive key. 更换传动销
4. Replace drive unit. 更换传动装置
5. Install new ring gear. 安装新的齿圈
6. Replace drive unit. 更换传动装置
7. Replace armature. 更换电枢
8. Replace drive unit. 更换传动装置

Problem: Starter drive pinion releases slowly or not at all 起动机的传动小齿轮分离缓慢或根本没有分离
Possible cause 可能的原因
1. Dirty Bendix drive sleeve. 惯性式离合器的驱动轴套肮脏
2. Drive pinion binds on drive sleeve splines (mechanical bind). 驱动齿轮粘结在驱动衬套的化键上(机械粘结)
3. Starter switch defective. 起动机开关故障
4. Dirty pinion sleeve. 驱动齿轮衬套肮脏
5. Disengagement linkage (overrunning clutch type) binding. 分离杆系(单向离合器式)粘结
6. Linkage retracting spring weak or broken. 拉杆回位弹簧变软或断裂
7. Actuating solenoid sticking. 驱动电磁开关粘结
8. Centrifugal pinion release pin sticking. 离心驱动齿轮分离销粘结
9. Insufficient drive pinion-to-ring gear clearance. 驱动齿轮到齿圈的间隙不足

Correction 解决方法
1. Clean drive sleeve. 清洁驱动轴套
2. Replace drive unit. 更换驱动装置
3. Replace starter switch. 更换起动机开关
4. Clean pinion sleeve. 清洁驱动齿轮衬套
5. Clean, align, and adjust linkage. 清洁,校准并调整拉杆
6. Install new spring. 安装新的弹簧
7. Clean solenoid. 清洁电磁开关
8. Replace drive unit. 更换驱动装置
9. Adjust clearance or replace linkage. 调整间隙或更换杆系
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